Check dam constructed by SEVAI |
Making running water Walk is the
right way of approach in rain water and soil conservation.Water conservation is
an important area to be given thrust by the entire community in Tamilnadu.
Severe drought, No water in River Cauvery, less rains create the situation
worse and the people are suffering for want of drinking water and also for
water for food production. It is the priority to save water and Rain Water
Harvesting plays vital role in solving the problem of getting water. Rain Water
Harvesting is possible in saving water in open wells, development of small
water harvesting structures as low – cost farm ponds, check dams, percolation tanks.
The impact of such activities is a reduction in runoff rain water in open
fields, increase in water level, and increase in area under cultivation and
curbing of top soil erosion, Renovation and de-silting of tanks / ponds,
augmentation of water sources. SEVAI a local NGO has promoted such initiative
in Kulitalai dry area namely Dasilnaickanoor and this has resulted in filling
irrigation gap, increase in water storage capacity, dry land cultivation being
brought under wet land cultivation, conversion from single crop area to double
crop area, increase in water in nearby wells and in tank itself (2-3 times)
Social forestry and orchard plantations. While afforestration has lead to
increase in green cover and improvement in the ecosystem, the planting of
orchards has brought more wastelands under plantation with an increase in
intercrop area. Land development and reclamation includes in-situ soil and
moisture conservation measures. Principally activities undertaken include
reclamation of degraded and undulated wastelands to level land through land
leveling thereby brought under cultivation with earthen bunding on sides. This
has controlled soil erosion, lead to increase in moisture retention capacity,
increased wasteland brought under cultivation, conversion of dry land to wet
land, increase in production and subsequent increase in land value indicating
increase in income. Minor / Major / diversion check dams and stone bunding structures.
These minor civil structures mode of locally available materials helps in
arresting top soil erosion as they are laid in slopes with over 10 percent
gradient. As a result of such measures, there is increase in moisture retention
in catchments areas, increase in production, conversion of wasteland into
cultivable land and additional vegetative cover. It is important to take up
watershed approach in water and soil conservation measures. Watershed is
defined as a geohydrological unit draining to a common point by a system of
drains. All lands on earth are part of one watershed or other. Watershed is
thus the land and water area, which contributes runoff to a common point. Water
is essential for all life and is used in many different ways - for food
production, drinking and domestic uses. It is also part of the larger ecosystem
on which bio diversity depends. Precipitation converted to soil and groundwater
and thus accessible to vegetation and people, is the dominant pre-condition for
biomass production and social development in dry lands. The amount of available
water is equivalent to the water moving through the landscape. It also
fluctuates between the wet and dry periods. Irrigation potential which exists
in Tamilnadu is much more than the presently irrigated area for food security.
A variety of essential soil moisture and water conservation technologies
adopted to reduce the cost of irrigation, extend it throughout and promote
sustainable small-scale irrigation on a watershed basis in the PVF supported
watersheds will be documented. Watershed technologies are essential especially
in drought-prone areas. Even though drought is a purely natural calamity caused
by the failure of (monsoon) rain, it can be minimized by careful planning and operation.
During good rainy years, excess rainwater should be stored in the soil and also
underground using suitable soil moisture conservation measures and water
harvesting structures on a watershed basis. This stored water can subsequently
be used for irrigation. -Govin