School Pupils March Past |
Shanthi Higher Secondary School (SSMHSS)
Annual sports day was celebrated on 28th Jan.2005 during AEM mission
2015. The Annual Sports Day
Special pupils cultural events |
was marked by exuberant drill
School yoga event by pupils |
display with
dumbbells followed by young gymnasts who displayed their skills. The Annual sports
day Opening Ceremony was well organized and ,the audience witnessed a wonderful
show displaying the School pupils March past as well as Pupils model pyramid
construction, yoga demonstration, patriotic songs dances by SEVAI pupils and
the special children participated. This was followed
by unfurling of sports
flag by the Principal, Mrs.P.Chitra
AEM Mission and the March Past by Four Houses contingents namely Green,blue,red
and yellow
led by their house captains.
The guests of honour took the salute of the four contingents, which was
followed by Oath taking ceremony wherein all participants pledged to take part
in the sports meet in true sportsmanship. It was highlighted in the cultural
events that “Games and sports are not only important for success in every walks
of our life. Games and sports may be of various kinds. They may play various
games like football, cricket, volleyball, basket ball, badminton etc. School
and Games and sports are annual affairs. Sports are generally held in winter
months”. Earlier to the spots day, Students take part in various games like
high and long jumps, and different kind
cultural events by school students |
of races. School sports director
mentioned, “These annual sports foster competitive spirit and sportsmanship. The
importance of games and sports were highlighted; First of all, they are good
exercises and help to build fine, physique for the boys and girls. They make
them mentally alert and physically strong, Secondly, students learn to cope
with difficult situations. By displaying their feats before many spectators,
they can overcome their nervousness; thirdly, games and sports are good
diversions and give them energy to learn their lessons well. The Annual sports
day concluded with the prizes distribution for the winners. The guests of honor
AEM Mission gave away medals to the winners on the concluding day”-