Child care and
family services
SEVAI participants conducts a street threatre |
Promoting Child
& Family Well-Being. Promoting well-being involves understanding and
addressing child, youth, and caregiver functioning in physical, behavioral,
social, and areas. A focus on well-being should be integrated into all aspects
of child welfare services.Family and Children, Family and Children's Services
provides services to children who have been abused, neglected, or who are at
risk of abuse or neglect. Child welfare services focus on child safety, child
and family well-being, and permanent homes for children.Child protection is the
protection of children from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect. Article
19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child provides for the protection
of children in and out of the home.Child protection is the protection
of children from violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect. Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child provides for the
protection of children in and out of the home. Child protection systems are a set of usually government-run
services designed to protect children a ‘child protection system’ as: the set
of laws, policies, regulations and services needed across all social sectors –
especially social welfare, education, health, security and justice – to support
prevention and response to protection-related risks. These systems are part of
social protection, and extend beyond it. At the level of prevention, their aim
includes supporting and strengthening families to reduce social exclusion, and
to lower the risk of separation, violence and exploitation. Responsibilities
are often spread across government agencies, with services delivered by local
authorities, non-State providers, and community groups, making coordination
between sectors and levels, including routine referral systems, a necessary
component of effective child protection systems.Due to economic reasons,
especially in poor countries, children are forced to work in order to survive.
Child labour often happens in difficult conditions, which are dangerous and
impair the education of the future citizens and increase vulnerability to
adults. It is hard to know exactly the age and number of children who work.
Endangerment and infanticide
abuse:Most children who
come to the attention of the child welfare system do so because of any of the
following situations, which are often collectively termed child abuse. Abuse typically
involves abuse of power, or exercising power for an unintended purpose.This
includes willful neglect, knowingly not exercising a power for the purpose it
was intended. This is why child abuse is defined as taking advantage of a
position of trust having been invested with powers.
- Physical abuse, is physical
assault or battery on the child. Whilst an assault has some adverse
consequence that the victim did not agree to (the difference between
surgery and stabbing) the victim agrees to the consequences of battery but
the agreement is fraudulent in some way (e.g. unnecessary surgery under
false pretences). Physical abuse also harassment, a physical presence
intended to provoke fear.
- Child
sexual abuse,
is sexual assault or battery on the child. The vast majority of physical
assaults are a reaction to a situation involving a specific victim. Sexual
assault is predominantly perpetrator gratification against any suitable
target. Sexual abuse covers the range of direct and indirect assaults
(e.g. imagery) and the means of facilitation such as stalking and internet
- Neglect, including
failure to take adequate measures to safeguard a child from harm, and
gross negligence in providing for a child's basic needs. Needs are the
actions to be taken to protect and provide for the child. Safeguarding is
the duty of a person given the powers of responsibility for the child to
take the necessary measures to protect the child. If a child is physically
or sexually abused then there is an (abusive) person responsible for the
assault and a (negligent) person responsible for failing to protect from
the assault. In some cases they may be the same.
- Psychological
when meeting the child's needs by taking the necessary steps to protect
and provide for the child the child's wishes and feelings must be
considered when deciding on delivery of the provision that best serves the
child's needs. Willfully failing to provide in accordance with the child's
wishes and feelings, whilst it is in his/her best interests is emotional
abuse or negligently is emotional
neglect (negligent infliction of
emotional distress).
Parental responsibility
defined parental responsibility as a 'function' duties to be met and powers
that can be exercised to meet those duties. Child abuse and neglect is failure
by a person with parental or any other protective responsibility to exercise
the powers for the intended purpose, which is the benefit of the child. Actions
typically include services aimed at supporting at-risk families so they can
remain intact to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child, investigation
of alleged child abuse and, if necessary, assuming parental responsibility.Services
are provided by corporate bodies (or legal personalities). Parental
responsibility gives parents and businesses that make provision to children and
families equivalent legal entities. This includes public bodies and public
bodies that regulate private bodies. This has been described as the partnership
between state and family. A position held in a body corporate places a person
in a position of trust. Child maltreatment is the neglectful or abusive
exercise of power in a position of trust by either business in delivery of the
products that best serve the child's needs for the parents to provide for the
child or by the parents in providing for the child with those products.
protection systems listed the following categories of children needing help:
- Child victims
of sexual abuse/exploitation
- Child victims
of neglect or abuse
- Child victims
of trafficking
- Children with
- Children in a
situation of migration
- Unaccompanied
children in a situation of migration
- Children
without parental care/in alternative care
- Children in police
custody or detention
- Street children
- Children of
parents in prison or custody
- Children in
judicial proceedings
- Children in or
at risk of poverty
- Missing
children (e.g. runaways, abducted children, unaccompanied children going
- Children affected
by custody disputes, including parental child abduction
- Children left
behind (by parents who move to another EU country for work)
- Children
belonging to minority ethnic groups, e.g. Roma
- Child victims
of female genital mutilation or forced marriage
- Children who
are not in compulsory education or training or working children below the
legal age for work
- Child victims
of bullying or cyber bullying
Non Formal Education
plays an important role in development. Out of school programmes are important
to provide adaptable learning opportunities and new skills and knowledge to a
large percentage of people who are beyond the reach of formal education.
Non-formal education began to gain popularity in the late 1960s and early
1970s. Today, non-formal education is seen as a concept of recurrent and
lifelong learning. Non-formal education is popular among the adolescents
specially the women as it increases women's participation in both private and
public activities, i.e. in house hold decision making and as active citizens in
the community affairs and national development. These literacy programmes have
a dramatic impact on women's self-esteem because they unleash their potential
in economic, social, cultural and political spheres. Non-formal education helps
to ensures equal access to education, eradicate illiteracy among women and
improve women's access to vocational training, science, technology and
continuing education. It also encourages the development of non-discriminatory
education and training. The effectiveness of such literacy and non-formal
education programmes are strengthen by family, community and parental
education is beneficial in a number of ways. There are activities that
encourage young people to choose their own programme and projects that are
important because they offer the youth the flexibility and freedom to explore
their emerging interests. When the youth can choose the activities in which
they can participate, they have opportunities to develop several skills like
decision making skills. Non-formal learning has experiential learning
activities that foster the development of skills and knowledge. This helps in
building the confidence and abilities among the youth of today. It also helps
in development of personal relationships not only among the youth but also
among the adults. It helps in developing interpersonal skills among the young
people as they learn to interact with peers outside the class and with adults
in the community.
learning that occurs outside of these parameters is non-formal
Provides functional literacy and continuing education for adolescents who have
not had a formal education or drop outs from schools or did not complete their
primary education.
Provides functional and remedial education for the young people who did not
complete their secondary education.
Provides to improve the basic knowledge and skills.
Provide in-service, on-the-job, vocational and professional training to
different categories of workers and professionals to improve their skills.
Gives Adolescents of different parts of the country necessary aesthetic,
cultural and civic education for public
removes informal learning from the equation and states all learning outside of
formal learning is non-formal, equates informal with connotations of dress,
language or behaviour that have no relation to learning, defines formal
learning as taking place within a learning framework; within a classroom or
learning institution, with a designated teacher or trainer.
education (NFE) is popular on a worldwide scale in both 'western' and
'developing countries'. Non-formal education can form a medium with formal and
non-formal education, as non-formal education can mean any form of systematic
learning conducted outside the formal setting.
report on vocational education, Making Learning Visible: the identification,
assessment and recognition of non-formal learning, defines non-formal learning
as semi structured, consisting of planned and explicit approaches to learning
introduced into work organisations and elsewhere, not recognised within the
formal education and training system.