CHG Meeting held on 30,Oct 2018 |
"Follow up of Rescued children are to be given utmost importance for care and protection of the Children" shared by Shri.N.Muthukumar,Station Manager of Trichirapalli Railway Station Manager. Shri..N.Muthukumar.Railway Children India, (RCI-SEVAI-Society for Education Village
Action and Improvement) Child Help Group (CHG)
meeting for the month of October 2018 was conducted on 30, October in SMR
Chamber, Railway Junction, Trichirapalli, Southern Railways Division.Mr.N.Muthukumar,
Station Manager, Railway Junction, Trichirapalli presided over the CHG meeting.
The Station Manager appreciated the good work done by RCI-SEVAI and appealed
all the stake holders to help the RCI-SEVAI and Railway for the rescue the children
in need of Care and Protection. K.Govindaraju, Director SEVAI presented the
data of the rescued children in need at Trichy Railway Junction. Director SEVAI
reported as of 30th Oct 2018 since January 2018, 657 children have
been rescued, out whom boys were 599, girls were 58. The rescue for the month
of September was 70, boys were 61 and girls were 9 and for the month of October
as of date the rescue was for 62 children, out of whom boys are 51 and girls
are 11. RCI-SEVAI Counselor Sukumaran reported that 493 children are in follow
up.Mr. Muthukumar congratulated RCI/ SEVAI, the RPF
Personnel and Commercial Staff associated with Trichirapalli Railway Junction
those were felicitated by Shri.R.K. Kulshrestha, General Manager, Southern
Railway and Railway Children in the esteemed
presence of Shri P.K.Mishra, Addl General Manager, Shri Birendra Kumar,
Principal Chief Security Commissioner- RPF, Shri Sanjay Tiwari, Strategic
Alliance Manager, Railway Children NGO and other invitees for their outstanding
contribution for protection of children. Mr.
Muthukumar, Station Manager, Railway Junction an article appreciated about the
facilitation program in local Daily in English and asked RCI-SEVAI to display
the article in an enlarged size so that the stake holders and passengers/public
will be able to understand the role of Child Help Desk rescuing the children in need for Care and Protection.
Mr. Muthukumar, Station Manager, Railway Junction also suggested honouring the
grass root level stake holders in near future in an appropriate date and time
by RCI-SEVAI. The Station Manager appreciated for the follow-up; after rescue
and sheltering children undertaken by RCI-SEVAI personnel.
RCI-SEVAI Counselor Sukumaran
highlighted that 493 children are in follow up. Mr.Murali
Kumar, Outreach
Coordinator, RCI- SEVAI stated that 657 children were rescued successfully with
the support of Railway stake holders on average of 2- 3 rescuing children a
day. Mr.Sujit Kumar Roy, the Inspector of RPF stated that RPF will work hand in
hand with RCI-SEVAI in rescuing children those need care and protection from
trains and Railway premises and hand them over to the safe and secure hands of Approved
NGOs Such as RCI/SEVAI,Child Welfare Committee, other legal rehabilitation
institutions established by Law as per the Railways Standard Operating
procedure (SOP), to ensure care and protection of children in contact with
Railways jointly developed by Ministry of Railways , National Commission for
Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and Ministry of Women and Child Development.
Mr.Sujit Kumar Roy assured that his office will his fullest cooperation for
rescuing children those are need of care and protection. However, the Inspector
of RPF conveyed that CWC is the legal body to deal with rescued children, those
need care and protection.
Auto driver
association Representatives, Chief Health Inspector Staff Head, station level
commercial staff member representatives requested RCI-SEVAI to put up
information boards about child rescue with Child Assistance Booth phone numbers in prominent and visible
locations of Railway station so that
they can contact when they come across children in need of rescue for care and
support. K.Govindaraju, Director SEVAI informed that the required permission
has been obtained by DCM of Southern Railway and soon approved phamlets/information
boards will be displayed with the guidance of Station Manager pertaining to the
locations of display. S.Kalyanasundram,
Chief Health Inspector,S.Sekar Sub Inspector, GRP,Y.Robert Jayaraj Chief Ticket
Inspector,commercial inspector, Plat form Inspector participated in this monthly review meeting and gave their valuable suggestions such as orientation on safe guarding Children in need of care and protection; for Railway middle level functionaries. Earlier,
Shri.K.Govindaraju, Director, SEVAI welcomed the participants and Mr., M. Babu Ezhil
Dasan, Project Coordinator,RCI-SEVAI proposed vote of thanks.-Kris