Watershed beneficiaries of Thottiyapatty |
SEVAI implements watershed projects in Thogamalai Block
in Tamilnadu with the approach of “Making Running Water Walk” –as the key
concept of Watershed project implemented by SEVAI with the support of Society
General and technical support of Casa Foundation. Director of SEVAI
K.Govindaraju oriented the watershed farmers in Allur and said, “Water runs downhill.” A Watershed is a land
area whose runoff drains into any stream, river, lake, and ocean. Watershed
boundary is the divide separating one drainage area from another. Comprehensive Watershed Project is the process of managing human
activities and natural resources on a watershed basis. This approach allows us to
protect important water resources, while at the same time addressing critical
issues such as the current and future impacts of rapid growth and climate
A watershed aims at the sustainable
distribution of its resources and the
Check dam constructed in Watershed area |
process of creating and implementing
plans, programs, and projects to sustain and enhance watershed functions that affect the plant, animal, and human
communities. The main aims of Comprehensive
Watershed Project
are harnessing, conserving and developing degraded natural resources such as
soil, vegetative cover and water; prevention of soil run-off; rain water
harvesting and recharging of the ground water table; increasing the productivity of
crops; introduction of multi-cropping and diverse agro-based Ecological Health: A healthy watershed
conserves water, promotes stream flow, supports sustainable streams,
rivers, lakes, and groundwater sources, enables healthy soil for crops and
livestock, and also provides habitat for animals and plants. The watershed plays
vital roles in the area's ecology, economy, transportation, industry, and
general health. Surface water is just that—water that collects on the surface
of the earth. This category is composed of rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands, etc.
Groundwater is the other half of
the moisture equation contained in a watershed. Groundwater is water that
occupies pore space in the rock and soil layer beneath our feet, filling
natural underground storage areas called aquifers. Groundwater slowly moves through these aquifers, going
on to feed into surface water sources like lakes, ponds, rivers, and even the
ocean. This natural discharge to the surface doesn’t deplete aquifers, as the
groundwater is replenished with precipitation that soaks through the surface
soil and into the saturated groundwater layer.SEVAI creates awareness of the need among farmers for treatment
measures to manage water and soil, The types of measures to control soil
erosion and water run-off, The actual design of the structures, The skills
required to construct the structures, The materials required to construct the
structures..All of the above have to be understood by the farmers,
acceptable to them, and affordable in terms of maintenance costs. Farmers are
also inventors, experimenters, builders, and managers. They hold opinions and
also have a wealth of practical experience. The
main goal of Watershed
Management is to implant the sustainable management of natural resources to
improve the quality of living for the population is to be accomplished by the
Improvement and restoration of soil quality and thus, raising productivity rates.”Director
of SEVAI further enlightened the farmers on the watershed components being
implemented in watershed project by SEVAI with the support of Society General
as well as with the technical support of Casa Foundation. K.Govindaraju added,
components are 1. Rainwater harvesting, 2. Ground water recharge, 3.
Maintenance of water balance, 4. Preventing water pollution,5. Economic use of
water,6. Percolation pits/tanks,7. Farm ponds,8. Bunds and terraces, 9.
Community tanks, 10. Water spreading,11. Contour bunding,12. Checkdams, 11.
Gully plugging,12. Agro forestry,13. Social Forestry,14. Eco-preservation,12. Biomass
regeneration,13. Increasing productivity of animals,16. Income and employment
generation activities,17. Coordination of health and Nutrition programmes, 18.
Marketing of Agro products,19. Value Added food grains marketing, 20. Organic farm
practices,21. Women involvement in water and soil conservation, 18. Better
standard of living of people,19. Eco-friendly life style of people,20.
Increasing water holding capacity of soil,21. Preventing soil erosion,22. In-situ
soil-moisture conservation,23. Biomass management and energy, 24. Ground water recharging
structures, 25. Pasture development, 26. Open Wells and agriculture promotion and 27. Horticulture and alternate land use.”-Kris