Mrs.Elizabeth Walton inspects Cow project in Sirugamani |
Mrs.Elizabeth Walton in goat rearing project |
Elizabeth Walton who officially declared open the OFI-Volunteers and SEVAI Cow
farm in Sirugamani recently suggested that to the animal care takers and
managers, “Supervision is the key to keeping a good cow and goat farm, farming is
to develop knowledge and experience about cattle farming: constant contact with
livestock expert, agricultural professor and keep the cow sheds hygienic to
keep away with all kinds of health issues with the cattle”.SEVAI-OFI-Volunteers
dairy or goat farming in Sirugamani provides training which includes lectures,
on farm practicals, Field visits to successful dairy entrepreneurs, Project
report preparation, economics and information of different schemes on dairy
farming. Milk is handled at several levels across the value chain before it
reaches the consumer. Addressing the challenges, SEVAI cow farm functioning in collaboration
with OFI and its volunteers is functioning with moderate and above average
productivity of ‘milch’ animals; good quality of raw milk and manageable costs
of domestic production provides both improvements in technology as well as
better management. This project aims at significant reduction of
production costs, maximizing environmental benefits - an improvement in quality.
The project focuses on establishing the profitability of the farms and bringing
down the milk production cost through a mix of high herd size, better feeding
practices and selective mechanization for cattle rearing, milking, feeding,
animal hygiene, manure disposal and effluent treatment plants. Ideally to start
off the project, SEVAI and its partners finalised the project site,
herd size and processed products mix depending upon the agro-climatic
conditions, availability of social and physical infrastructure, labour,
regulatory environment, availability of land for adequate fodder cultivation and
procurement, availability of water, transport connectivity, market potential