Wednesday, February 27, 2013

SEVAI –OFI-Volunteers Cow farm in Sirugamani acts as Resource and information centre for farmers.

CO4 Grass grown in SEVAI Farm as fodder for cows/goats

SEVAI-OFI-Volunteers Cow project
“SEVAI –OFI-Volunteers Cow farm in Sirugamani acts as Resource and information centre for farmers” said Vanitha the SHG promoter in SEVAI.SEVAI –OFI-Volunteers Cow farm in Sirugamani has undertaken comprehensive farming activities such as Bio-farming, vermi compost, farm yard manure preparation, Paddy hay conservation as cattle feed, heifer rearing, stall fed goat rearing, cow rearing as chain activities. The entire process is passed on to the farming community especially those have milking cows and marginal farmers and goat rearers. SEVAI has grown its own cow and cattle fodder such as sorgam grass, CO 4 etc.The project coordinator of SEVAI –OFI-Volunteers Cow farm in Sirugamani explained the cattle rearers, "Thanks to Dr.R.Ramasubbu, Dinamalar for organizing very information and practical exhibition for farmers in Karur in the recent past.The information has been translated into action and the integrating farming started functioning well even in such difficult conditions where there is scarcity of water in River cauvery.The fodder grass growing information given in this Karur Dinamalar exhibition has been adopted by this sirugamani farm".K.Devendran further said that he could understand and benefited and added, "The humble Napier Bajra grass is called as CO-4. This grass can be grown in most soil types, except in heavy clay, highly alkaline and water logged areas. This grass is nutritious and relished. “Feeding one 15Kg bundle of CO4 grass has been found to increase milk yield by almost 200 ml per cow. CO4 is a superior growth characteristic; SEVAI is planting CO4 variety now. The market value of this fodder is for Rs 2, a kg and is able to harvest 7-8 cuttings a year getting an average yield of 110 tonnes per acre. This also generates 300 days of employment through this activity a year. CO4 is a perennial grass which can be retained on field for 2-3 years, Co4 produces numerous leaves, and it has larger leaves, softer and less persistent hairs of leaf blades and sheaths and less sharp leaf edges”. The cow farmers visited the SEVAI –OFI-Volunteers Cow farm and the fodder plantation in S.Pudukottai.The farmers those visit KVK,Sirugamnai also visit the cow farm promoted by SEVAI –OFI-Volunteers Cow farm as part of their field exposure.- Govin

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