Monday, March 30, 2015

Peer education is one that is of equal standing with another

Peer learners of SSMHSS

Peer Education is one that is of equal standing with another: one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status. Education in Peers settings promotes Collaborative Learning, An instructional strategy used to reinforce skills taught by the teacher.  This teaching method allows time for practice, review, and opportunities for students to use higher-level thinking skills. Peer modeling is another support that can be used to help students learn academic, processes and classroom routines.  It also provides the classroom teacher opportunities to use peers to assist with instruction, clarifying directions and give social reminders with little or no disruption to the lesson cycle.  It is an excellent way for peers to provide appropriate behavioral models of students who need to improve their social skills. In ways similar to the school community, the peer group becomes an agency of learning. Even very young children develop a sense of self from their perceptions of important people in their surroundings, including relatives, teachers, and peers. Socioeconomic status and parents’ occupations affect how families view themselves and the process by which they socialize their children. Later, as children leave the home setting, their self-perception and socializing skills become influenced by how their peers view them. When children move out from family to school, and the community at large, they begin to form attachments, and friendships emerge through their play. Early friendships begin to form and children’s peers begin to have a more lasting influence.Peer influence on behavior gradually becomes more dominant. Peer groups have an even stronger influence than that of parents, children discover that others can share their feelings or attitudes or have quite different ones. The perspectives of others will affect how children feel about their own families. The peer group also influences development of children’s socializing
Peer Learners of Dasilnaicknanoor
skills. These early friendships help children learn how to negotiate and relate to others, including their siblings and other family members. They learn from peers how to cooperate and socialize according to group norms and group-sanctioned modes of behavior. The peer group can influence what the child values, knows, wears, eats, and learns. The extent of this influence, however, depends on other situational constraints, such as the age and personality of children and the nature of the group. Socialization is particularly important for children with difficulties, and it is the reason many programs include peers who are typically developing in education programs. In its most acceptable form, the peer group is a healthy coming-of-age arbiter, by which children grasp negotiating skills and learn to deal with hostility and to solve problems in a social context. Education to peers modeling promotes
Friendships, Increased social initiations, relationships, Peer role models for academic, social and behavior skills, Greater access to general curriculum, Enhanced skill acquisition and generalization, Increased inclusion in future environments, Greater opportunities for interactions, Increased parent participation and Families are more integrated into community. Govin

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