Sunday, April 12, 2015

Drumstick "(Moringa oleifera) cultivation generates enhanced income for women self help groups under SG/OFI/SEVAI Project in Thottiyapatty.

Murungai cultivation in Thottiyapatty under SG/OFI/SEVAI Project

Drumstick "(Moringa oleifera) cultivation generates enhanced income for women self help groups under SG/OFI/SEVAI Project in Thottiyapatty.Women Self Help Group women are involved in the cultivation of drumstick "(Moringa oleifera) cultivation for self consumption and also marketing them in Farmers market. The Drumstick production from Thottiyapatty alone goes up to 15 tonnes per day and it is grown in dry land area with drip irrigation facilities under the project of SG/OFI/SEVAI Project. The marginal farmers and women groups earn a decent income out of murungai (drum stick cultivation) and marketing in the farm of labour and sales. The average income per person per day is Rs.350 whereas the other activities they earn around         Rs.150 per day. In addition the members of the family get nutrition for their body and mind growth.  “Drumstick tree"(Moringa oleifera) is a fast-growing, deciduous tree, cultivated in Thottiyapatty Watershed area supported by SG/OFI Project as implemented by SEVAI. The bark has a whitish-grey colour and is surrounded by thick cork. Young shoots have purplish or greenish-white, hairy bark. The tree has an open crown of drooping, fragile branches and the leaves build up feathery foliage of tripinnate leaves. The flowers are fragrant and bisexual, surrounded by five unequal, thinly veined, yellowish-white petals. The flowers are about 1.0-1.5 cm (1/2") long and 2.0 cm (3/4") broad. They grow on slender, hairy stalks in spreading or drooping later flower clusters which have a length of 10–25 cm. Flowering begins within the first six months after planting. In more constant seasonal temperatures and with constant rainfall, flowering can happen twice. The fruit is a hanging, three-sided brown capsule of 20–45 cm size which holds dark brown, globular seeds with a diameter around 1 cm. The fruit is a long, thin pod, resembling a Drumstick. The fruit itself is called drumstick in India. Sometimes referred to as a bean, this long, rigid pod grows on a tree. It’s hard, green outer covering is rigid enough to earn its common name of drumstick. They are a popular ingredient in vegetable curries. These long, slender pods are tricky for those not brought up to eat them. The only portion consumed is the soft, almost jelly-like interior in which the seeds are embedded. The seeds, too, are nice to eat if the beans are young, but a drumstick is never young enough to eat the outer skin. Simmered in lightly salted water for 7-10 minutes they make good eating - but discard the outer skin after scooping out the pulp. The seeds have three whitish papery wings and are dispersed by wind and water. In cultivation, it is often cut back annually to 1–2 m (3-6 ft) and allowed to re grow so the pods and leaves remain within arm's reach. Many parts of the moringa are edible. Regional uses of the moringa as food varies widely, the immature seed pods, called "drumsticks", are popular in Tamilnadu.Leaves are eaten. Moringa has numerous applications in cooking throughout its regional distribution. It is made into a variety of curry dishes by mixing with coconut, poppy seeds, and mustard or boiled until the drumsticks are semi-soft and consumed directly without any extra processing or cooking. It is used in curries, sambars and dals although it is also used to add flavor to cutlets and other recipes. The fruit meat of drumsticks, including young seeds, is used for soup. Young leaves can either be fried with shrimp or added as a topping in fish soup. Studies indicate, “Tender drumstick leaves, finely chopped, are used as garnish for vegetable dishes and salads. It is also the pods are used to cook a mild curry. Nutritionally, drumstick pods are of great value as sources of calcium, phosphorous and vitamin C, a folk remedy for digestive disorders, gastric ulcers, skin diseases, expectant mothers will gain the calcium, iron and vitamins and it will also ease the delivery process, lactating mothers can increase the flow of their milk, by eating this veggie, helps to overcome fatigue and a good blood cleanser and blood builder. Being high in Calcium,   iron and other vitamins, drumsticks help in strengthening bones. The leaves and pods of this green vegetable posses blood purifying properties and it also acts as a potent antibiotic agent. The regular consumption of drumsticks, either in the form of soups or juices, reduces acne and other related skin problems. Drumstick leaves significantly reduce the blood glucose levels in the body. The leaves and flowers of drumstick contain antibacterial agents that help in preventing a wide range of infections related to the throat and skin. Drumstick leaves and pods are loaded with B complex vitamins, which are said to play a vital role in digestion. These vitamins regulate the digestive process by helping in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats into their simpler forms”.-Govin

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