K.Govindaraju,Chairman,OZONE |
The South
Zone Board of Continuing Education, established in 2011, is born out of the ever-growing
ambition andlogical resolve of the Founderto focus on socially relevant
education, in general and purposeful continuing education, in particular in the
Southern India (Comprising of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Karnataka, Kerala and
Andhra Pradesh). The inspiration for expansion emanated from out of the
long-time committed associationof the Founder with the governance, programmes
and activities of the Tamil Nadu Board of Continuing Education (TNBCE) brought
into existence by Dr Malcolm S. Audisehsiah in the early seventies, with its
base in Chennai.
Literacy is
the backbone of a progressive society and the heartbeat of a developing nation.
Only a literate nation can really be free from all kinds of social and other
oppressions by opening up unlimited avenues and varied arenas of progress to
everyone and empowering all, including those under the yokes of oppression.The idea
of expansion has stemmed out of the understanding of the reality that the Government
alone cannot be burdened to take care of all development programmes in each and
every sphere of life in the region. This understanding also necessitates and
redefines active participation of non-government organizations (NGOs) in various
social development projects.
education is one such field where NGOs can make very positive and significant
contributions as evidenced by TNBCE in Tamil Nadu and similar bodies in the
South Zone.The Continuing Education Scheme is multi-faceted and so are the
programmes directed to achieve success in the sphere. Postulated on the
principles of treating basic literacy, post literacy and later continuing education,
many programmes are being planned, launched and continued. The schemes and
programmes aim at positively addressing the socio-economic situations of the
community and catalyzes provision of infrastructure for larger development
initiatives. The South Zone Board of Continuing Education plans to provide strong
academic and applicable technical resource support that would regularly benefit
carrying out and sustaining continuing education efforts in the Zone.
In a developing country like India,
the Community Collegesstand for an alternative system of Education, which aims at
the inclusion and empowerment of the disadvantaged through appropriate skills
development to turn them more employable. As the Community College system is
‘of’ the community, ‘for’ the community and ‘by’ the community, the South Zone
Board of Continuing Education has also proposals to link the Community College
system of Tamilnadu Open University to cater to the needs of the various
sections of the community. The proposed
Community Colleges will be geared to offer and promote job-oriented, work
related, skill-based and life-coping education.
Committed to
make lasting contributions towards nation building, the South Zone Board of
Continuing Education’ has launched myriad kinds of Training Programmes,
Continuing Education Courses, Population Education Programmes, Programmes for
development of vocational skills besides several other special, comprehensive
rural/urban development activities in the target areas. Since its inception, the
South Zone Board of Continuing Education has been playing a significant pro-active
role in creating an appropriate environment where women themselves are
encouraged to demand and seek knowledge for their empowerment. South Zone Board
of Continuing Education provides career oriented assistance to the community in
several districts of Tamilnadu and is willing to extend activities beyond the
South Zone Board of Continuing Education has established useful working connections
with NGOs serving for the promotion of Health, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture,
Agriculture, Social Forestry, Rural Development, Social Welfare and Information
and Education. The South Zone Board of Continuing Education has proposals to
carry out the planned extension programmes in all necessary and possible
sectors spreading them across the regions in the Zone.
With the strength of governance,
association and hands-on experience in TNBCE for over three decades, the
founders are sure to achieve the objectives of extending socially relevant
education and sustain continuing education to benefit various sections and
regions in the South Zone.
Chairman, OZONE