Monday, October 9, 2017

South Zone Board of Continuing Education (OZONE) is an inspired arm of Tamilnadu Board of Continuing Education (TNBCE) - Dr.K.Govindaraju.

Presidents of Tamilnadu Board of Continuing Education

Tamilnadu Board of Continuing Education is the pioneer in the field of Continuing Education. Then Deputy Director General-UNESCO and subsequent VC of the composite Madras University Dr.Malcolm S.Adishesaiah came out with the idea of continuing Education and established Tamilnadu Board of Continuing Education. Currently with the emerging need of Continuing Education, the fourth President of Tamilnadu Board of Continuing Education (TNBCE) Dr.K.Govindaraju and a team of experts in the field registered South Zone Board of Continuing Education (OZONE) in 2011 as an inspired arm of TNBCE.The South Zone Board of Continuing Education (OZONE) aims to be a quality continuing Education centre providing quality services support for anyone seeking literacy skills, work skills and life skills through the process of continuing education program. It has carved out a position for itself among the professional continuing education organizations in South Zone, India. OZONE is expected to provide academic and technical resource support by organizing training programs, material preparation, and publishing of relevant material, extension activities, innovative projects, research studies and evaluation. . OZONE would be actively involved with actual field processes in implementation and would have a key role to play in training, material production and other resource support
District Collectors received Malcolm Awards
activities and conducting continuing Education courses with the approval of respective Universities under flexi mode and flexi time. Another point that needs to be stressed in so far as OZONE is concerned is the retention of their voluntary character and autonomous functioning.
The South Zone Board of Continuing Education (OZONE) functions as a self finance Institution having membership of experts from South Zone. Development programmes in each and every sphere of life cannot be the sole responsibility of the Government. This reality necessitates the active participation of non-government organisations (NGOs) in social development projects. Continuing education is such a field where NGOs have some very positive and significant contributions. The NGOs are involved on a large scale for the spread of Continuing education
Prof.M.S.Palanisamy,then VC-TNOU, Dr.K.Manivasan IAS 
among needy adults and children, because Continuing education is the basic need of the day.
South Zone Board of Continuing Education (OZONE) is an inspired arm of Tamilnadu Board of Continuing Education (TNBCE)-Kris

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