Sunday, March 15, 2020

SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School launches ‘Hello English Corner’.

SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School launched ‘Hello English Corner’ in school premises to enable the school kids to have a better communication in interactive English. An Exclusive space of 500 sq.metres space and roofed area has been created for supporting English speaking skills of School kids. This School is situated in rural area and most children come from rural families and the school is the only source for improving the English speaking skills.OFI Volunteer with the support of School English Teachers, with the able guidance of Mr.Robin Jour and Mr.Oliver takes steps to run this ‘Hello English’ Course for school children more efficiently. This School uses the video released by Regional Institute English Teaching in the name of ‘Hello English’ as teaching Aid for this spoken English class. Learning English involves all four language skills which are fundamental to speak and understand a language. These four skills are listening, reading, speaking and
'Hello English' Video as teaching Aid: introduced by Corlie
writing. One of the advantages of learning English at Hello English Corner of
SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School  is that students engage in these skills with their teachers who speak only in English so that the students first get used to listening to the language, becoming familiar with it. The listening skills are strengthened this way. Also, students engage in speaking by answering questions, developing activities, and talking with their teachers and classmates. This helps them to get to know new vocabulary,
idioms, and other characteristics of the spoken English. Since this is done daily, students practice the English speaking skill continuously. Another important area is the reading of stories and texts as an integrated approach to English Learning. Speaking English allows the children to actually broaden opportunities to the ability to relate to children of city schools. The benefits spoken English bring in the life of a person’s knowledge of the English language are countless. The latest world news and discoveries, the most important discussions and the various fields of books is firstly available in English. Thus an efficient functional English Course of the School will benefit the school kids at par with the city kids. –Govin

Trichy District Health Department sensitized RC-SEVAI Open Shelter Inmates on corona virus.

Hand wash by RC-SEVAI OS boys in the Health Booth
Trichy District Health Department sensitized rescued children under CCRS and child line projects, RC-SEVAI Open Shelter Inmates on corona virus on 13, March in Kalaiaranam premises. Health Department, Trichy had set it up ‘Corona Virus is sensitizing and safe guarding booth’. RC-SEVAI Open Shelter staff members took the residential boys to the booth. Navalpatu Primary Health centre Health Inspector sensitized the boys on the mode of transmission of Corona Virus and the preventive measures to be adopted. The Health Department staff enlightened the open shelter inmates, the importance of adopting standard procedures to minimize the risk of infection like covering the mouth and nose while sneezing and washing hands. ‘Proper Hand wash practice’ was demonstrated by Health
RC-SEVAI Staff and boys in Health Dept.Booth
Department staff and RC-SEVAI Open shelter  inmates practiced the proper hand washing to keep the virus away. The officials further enlightened on infection, its incubation period, the importance of staying in isolation and other precautions to be adopted. The Project Coordinator of RC-SEVAI CCRS Project Ms.Revathy opined that
though much is not known about the Corona virus disease dynamics, it is evident that there is human to human transmission and preventive measures become crucial to stop spread of this disease and this  creating awareness among children about preventive interventions will help in preventing, reducing transmission of this disease. -Govin

Friday, March 13, 2020

SEVAI-RTC: Technology transfer enables women livelihood program.

Napkins Production Centre managed by Women
SEVAI Rural Technology centre in Sirugamani promoted by SEVAI provides technology for women as the methodical knowledge for marketable products manufacture and in cottage industry, farming and marketable products. Technology transfer for rural women aims at improving rural people’s livelihoods in a reasonable and sustainable manner, both socially and environmentally, through better access to assets like natural, physical, technological and social input, and services and improves women livelihoods on a sustainable basis. Technology transfer helps to improve the quality of life, especially for the poor and disadvantaged women, by transforming economic. The technology transfer livelihood project brings about positive
Garments production unit managed by women
change in the living standards of women. Sirugamani technology centre covers both agricultural and non-agricultural sectors for income generation. Group governance, skill transfer, revolving fund and linkages of groups to the national system were some of the prioritized activities of this Rural Women Technology centre.
The involvement of women in the workforce empowers the women and the community. Technology and Financial inclusion of women increases their access to resources, bargaining power and the opportunity to earn an income.
SEVAI-OFI women self help group members are trained in the production of cement hollow bock for the construction of
Grinding the cement concreate -women work
structures in Rural Technology centre situated in Sirugamani of Trichirapalli District of Tamilnadu. Concrete hollow blocks
 are innovative building products that are used as substitutes for traditional bricks in building construction. Concrete Hollow blocks are made out of a mixture of Portland cement, sand, gravel and water. When the mixture is wet it is paste-like and can be cast into the form of the block. When it dries, it hardens until it becomes like stone. Hollow concrete blocks have one or more hollow cores. These cores reduce the total cross-sectional area of the block by at least 25 percent. A hollow-core concrete block is more than 50 percent solid. Standard hollow concrete blocks come in full and half sizes. Full-size blocks are rectangular and have two cores. Half size blocks are
Hollow Block manufacturing by women
cubical and have one core. Hollow blocks are often used to build large structures like boundary fences. The reduced volume of concrete used to make each block adds up to a significant savings in cost for the materials for the whole wall. Their lighter weight also makes them easier to lift. The hollow cores also give adequate room to place reinforcing materials like steel bars if the design calls for reinforcing. Sometimes water pipes or electrical conduits are run through them. The women trained in production of cement hollow block earns around Rs.10,000 per month. A group of 5 women can join and start a cement hollow block production.-Govin


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

SEVAI functionaries, Ms.Suda and Ms.Vanitha honored with BNI Shield on the occasion of International Women’s Day in Trichy:

Suda,Associate Director,SEVAI  honoured with BNI-Shield
BNI India, India’s largest and most successful business networking organization, Trichy chapter honored Ms.Suda and Ms.Vanitha, SEVAI functionaries for promoting livelihood ventures for women SHGs on the occasion of International Women’s Day celebration in Trichy.On receipt of the BNI Shield on 10th February, 2020, T.Vanitha   appreciated the BNI-Trichy for its initiative of honoring the women those are successful in various fields of women’s development. Ms.Vanitha said further, “SEVAI with support of OFI promoted Women Self Help Groups and established livelihood enterprises and these  Women SHG Members have the unique and effective workmanship, quality control and marketing techniques of their products such as garments, pottery, sleeping mats, organic farming inputs, cost effective building materials etc. These women also have developed communicational, organizational and networking skills in running their enterprises. The SHGs unique approach improves the profitability of their business”.Ms.Suda said, “SEVAI also promotes women Entrepreneurship Development project among Women Self Help Groups as it helps in developing the
SEVAI Women Coordinator SEVAI receives BNI Shield
entrepreneurial abilities of rural women. The skills that are required to run the economic venture successfully is developed among Women SHGs. SEVAI Conducts periodic in-service trainings program for women SHGs as structured training process to develop SHG as an entrepreneur entity. It helps the women to acquire skills and necessary capabilities to play the role of an entrepreneur effectively. Entrepreneur SHGs are responding appropriately to the market and SHGs also understand the business needs. The skills needed are varied and they are taken care in the best possible way, not just training but also complete process to make the possible transformation of SHG into an entrepreneur unit and SEVAI also guides the SHGs on how to start the business and effective ways to sustain it successfully.SEVAI-OFI Women Self Help Group Federation Leaders and SEVAI team congratulated Ms. Vanitha and Ms.Suda for bagging BNI Shield for the IWD Year 2020.-Govin

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School promotes Interactive Library.

SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School promotes Interactive Library with the support of Mr. Troy Swanson and Dr. (Mrs) Benjamine Oberoi of OFI. The OFI Volunteer Robin Jour, the Librarian of the School mentions, “the library of the SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher School has evolved into an inclusive space of interactive learning in which students can benefit from new activities. Mr. Troy is an American philanthropist and founder of Alphabet club, a European educational NGO which SEVAI has been working with since the first idea of an interactive Library in the school. With this partnership, Troy gave SEVAI and OFI the opportunity to get access to more than 350 story books from the great Tulika publishers through funding and coordination. Ms. Oberoi Benjamine, meanwhile and with her partnership with us through OFI, ensured that the process was well managed and implemented during her periodical visits to Tamilnadu. From library class during the day to special training classes for teacher during the evening, the library has become a place to live and to learn. With its new technology access, children can also learn from a visual support. We believe it's nice for their education to have a visual contact with their environment in all its forms. We believe that our students need to manipulate all forms of knowledge from English expressivity to sciences and astronomy. With a strong emphasis on story books, the library is providing a range of classic activities such as listening and comprehension to reading and expression as we believe children should get exposed to book and literature activities in order for them to train their minds for the future, through stories and comprehension. By opening themselves with books and an open mind, it will be time for them to write their own story. The library activated its interactive mode by allowing kids and children to watch documentaries during classes on several topics in which we find Ecology, Wildlife, Science and Geography. During these classes, children are in a friendly environment that allows them to express and to debate”. The Senior Management team of SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School as Chaired by Mr.K.Govindaraju School correspondent and Co-chaired by Ms.Chitra, school Principal and joined by OFI volunteers Corlie and Oliver discussed for the effective functioning of school library for the students educational benefit. The School Management appreciated good work done by OFI Volunteer Robin Jour, as Librarian, who transforms school library into exciting, interactive learning space and also thanked Mrs.Benjamine Oberoi of OFI, Mr. Troy Swanson for their comprehensive support for promoting such an interactive Library in the School.-Govin

Monday, March 9, 2020

SEVAI organized International Women’s day, 2020 in Trichy.

SEVAI hands over Women's Day Sovinir to Ms.A.Vijaya, PLF Leader
SEVAI, a Trichy based NGO organized International Women’s day,2020 in Trichy in its Allur centre on 8th March 2020 with  theme "I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights”. SEVAI-OFI Women Self Help Group Federation members assembled on this occasion in the community centre of SEVAI- Allur.SEVAI women coordinator Ms.T.Vanitha Presided over the women’s day celebration. The Associate Director of SEVAI Ms.C.Suda delivered the key note address on international women’s day speech and said, “International Women's Day is annually held on March 8 to celebrate women’s achievements across nations. It is also known as the United Nations (UN) Day for Women's Rights and International Peace; it celebrates women's achievements worldwide celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Everyone can pledge to take a concrete step to help achieve gender equality more quickly - whether to help women and girls achieve their ambitions, call for gender-balanced leadership, respect and value difference, and develop more inclusive and flexible cultures. Each of us can be a leader within our own spheres of influence and commit to take pragmatic actions to accelerate gender parity. ”. Ms.Suda admired SEVAI –OFI SHG women Federations members for their achievements in achieving equivalency education, quality of life improvement, income generation based on self help group interest. The Associated Director of SEVAI further said, “The SEVAI-OFI promoted Allur SHG Federation with 78 women members is able to set it up a garments production unit as its income generation enterprise with the of the objective of livelihood promotion to provide income generation to women for their economic and social well- being for promoting viable enterprise and such and Entrepreneurship Development helps the rural SHG women to improve their status and their decision making within the family and as well in the society with good leadership qualities  in order to be a successful  and  good  managing all the aspects of professional and their personal lives and SHG Federation in Allur have the ability to make big decision and the right decision. Women’s day celebrations become attainable through Women Self Helps in rural India as Self Help Groups are considered as one of the most important tools to adopt participatory approach for the economic empowerment of women. The basic objective of SEVAI-OFI promoted SHG is to empower rural women and to create income generating capabilities for poor rural women, by providing a sustainable micro enterprise opportunity, and to improve rural living standards through health and hygiene. SHGs have led to
Garments stitching unit of Allur
growth of awareness, capacity building, education and availability of information which has led to confidence building among rural women. This has helped them to struggle and win over various social issues like prohibition of alcohol in the village, creation of awareness on HIV and ability to handle complex issues. The women after being attached with the SHGs are able to deal with banks, government officials and NGOs. It is an important institution for improving the life of women on various social components. SHGs  enable its members to learn to cooperate and work in a group environment”. The SEVAI-OFI Federation leader Ms.A.Vijaya was honored on this occasion with SEVAI Souvenir of International women’s day 2020. Ms.Vijaya said that under this the garments stitching unit each member earns minimum of around f Rs.7500/- per month under this SEVAI-OFI Promoted SHG Federation garment unit.-Govin

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Montessori demo to parents for UKG kids by SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School Teachers.

Interaction with parents about Montessori apprach by Corlie Miss.
Ms.Corlie, OFI Teacher Volunteer reports, “After the success of the Montessori Demonstration Opening Day last Saturday, we reiterated the experience. Today, we were glad to welcome the parents from Upper Kinder Garten and teachers to permit them to have an exposure on the Montessori Method and his activities. This time, 60 parents (on 80 children) came. Once again, they proved their true involvements and engagements in their children's education. We want to thank them for sharing their valuable time on this Saturday, 07th.’as a teacher, it's not only important to see the daily improvements of our students, but also to observe their personal fulfillment and their happiness in our learning environment. And this is happening thanks to your involvements and engagements in your children's education. You can be proud of your children and proud of you to permit them to have access to a favourable learning environment.' Corlie addressed those words to all the parents. Jenathamani Mam concluded on the engagements of Sevai Shanti School in the development of their students in spoken English and communication skills by involving foreign teachers on
Parents and kids interaction process
the campus, Olivier, Robin and Corlie. 
Like the precedent Saturday, the Montessori activities were disposed on benches under the auditorium. All the students respectively demonstrated their parents the process of each activity immersed in a calm environment. Then, all parents joined their children to share this learning experience. At the end, they were impressed about the ability of their children to stay focus during all the activity, especially when it comes to a precise and careful hands-on.It was also an excellent exchange opportunity between the parents, the students and the teachers. The parents appreciated the explanations of the teachers and the teachers showed satisfaction on this interchange. All the teachers highlighted the importance on calling the Montessori materials 'activities' instead of games in order to clarify parents' minds. They all testified to the improvement of their children’s capacity for self-regulation and independence in their daily practice. Some parents were amazed by the significant gain in autonomy. They all gave the example of the mat, the increasing of their creativity and their habits to put everything in the right order.   On this sunny day, parents and students enjoyed reading and sharing Tamil stories and English fairy tales by discovering the Library and the wonderful world of books”.- Govin

Friday, March 6, 2020

SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School institutes ‘Hello English Corner’.

'Hello English Corner'  geting ready for inauguration on 12,March
SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Pettavaithalai proposes to institute an exclusive students space for teaching -learning functional English noted as ‘Hello English Corner ‘in School premises with the objective of  school pupils to acquire basic English language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing and to acquire the linguistic competence necessarily required in education and life situations. Senior Management committee of the School chaired by School correspondent K.Govindaraju and co-chaired by Principal Ms.Chitra decided by to allot an exclusive space of 500 sq.metre for accommodating this English language laboratory, ‘Hello English Corner’ and propose to inaugurate it on 12,March. Ms. Glémas Corlie, OFI English Teacher volunteer and  Mr. Oliver takes steps to establish this special “Hello English Corner” in the school.K.Govindaraju, correspondent of the school enlightened the Senior Management  of the School about the importance of English language quality and interactive  teaching in the school. The School correspondent added, “It is necessary that pupils in the school need to have a good command over the English language to allow students to achieve overall success in life. Having clarity and accuracy of the English language gives confidence to the learner and the English language serves as a platform to rise and evolve in his life and career. It is thus vital, that provisions be made to enhance the skills of the learners of English language. ‘Hello English Corner ‘will provide the learners to develop a continuous interest to learn the English language as it encourages them to understand it and facilitates the understanding of the concepts of the language. The proposed ‘Hello English Coroner’ lab is will be designed to provide the learners with a strong platform for practical training in English language. This good language lab skillfully and efficiently develops the language skills of the students of the School.  The School students will be exposed to functional language in use and are familiarized with the many pronunciation styles that are vital in everyday usage of the English language in today’s world. The roles and responsibilities of a teacher in Hello English corner is very important as the teacher has to use her knowledge and skills to guide the learners towards the gradation of the English language”.K.Devendran, School Welfare Officer   makes necessary infrastructure arrangements in the School as decided by Senior Management of the School for setting up “Hello English Corner”.-Govin

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Hands-on Education enables Pre-KG kids to learn sharply.

Manoj Mukul expalins his project on Domestic Animals
Young Kids are brilliant who love to experience everything from physical and hands-on learning objects. Structured Play and exploration are vital to the growth and development of children. Pre-KG Education deals with developing the personality of a child through sensory learning which includes touching, smelling, seeing, tasting, and creativity. Learning by doing for Pre-KG Kids is a hands-on approach to learning, meaning kids must interact with their environment in order to adapt and learn and doing helps the kids to gain a better understanding of the material. The activities are more work based in the sense that the focus is more on promoting concentration abilities among children. Also, since it aims to improve the concentration abilities of children, the classrooms and material is aesthetically designed and gives a home like feeling to children. One aspect of the pre-KG teaching strategies that teachers should consider more fully is the fact that children can also find meaningful work within the play structure of Pre-KG education. Providing a nurturing atmosphere in which children can flourish includes allowing them to enter the world of ‘real work’ such as picking up toys, identification of domestic animals by simple Pre-KG project work with teachers and family guidance. Helping activities are a crucial part of Pre-KG education. Allowing kids to explore the satisfaction of accomplishing target and assisting in the projects smoothly gives the kids more opportunities to feel the value of their participation. This is valuable growth and learning time. A Pre-KG kid learns responsibility and empathy when learning about surroundings, pets, domestic animals etc and taking up project work. Learning to share and play games that appeal to the younger child also build good character. Appropriate supervision for younger children in preparation for Pre-KG education is necessary.-Govin

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Trichy Childline 1098 rescued new born abandoned female baby

SEVAI-Childline staff Ms.Gandhimathi takes care of the baby
Times of India press clipping

A Newborn female Infant was found deserted in a bag outside a grocery shop in Bharthidasan nagar, Thiruvarambur in Trichy in the early hours of second day of February. Local Residents spotted the bag and the local Nurse took custody of the baby. On receipt of this information, Trichy Childline 1098 as managed by SEVAI rushed to the spot and shifted the infant to Government Hospital in Trichy. As the infant was underweight, the doctors admitted the baby in the Neo-natal Intensive care unit. Trichy Childline lodged a police complaint in this regard. Childline also reported to the District Child Protection officer and Child Welfare committee.