Sunday, March 8, 2020

Montessori demo to parents for UKG kids by SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School Teachers.

Interaction with parents about Montessori apprach by Corlie Miss.
Ms.Corlie, OFI Teacher Volunteer reports, “After the success of the Montessori Demonstration Opening Day last Saturday, we reiterated the experience. Today, we were glad to welcome the parents from Upper Kinder Garten and teachers to permit them to have an exposure on the Montessori Method and his activities. This time, 60 parents (on 80 children) came. Once again, they proved their true involvements and engagements in their children's education. We want to thank them for sharing their valuable time on this Saturday, 07th.’as a teacher, it's not only important to see the daily improvements of our students, but also to observe their personal fulfillment and their happiness in our learning environment. And this is happening thanks to your involvements and engagements in your children's education. You can be proud of your children and proud of you to permit them to have access to a favourable learning environment.' Corlie addressed those words to all the parents. Jenathamani Mam concluded on the engagements of Sevai Shanti School in the development of their students in spoken English and communication skills by involving foreign teachers on
Parents and kids interaction process
the campus, Olivier, Robin and Corlie. 
Like the precedent Saturday, the Montessori activities were disposed on benches under the auditorium. All the students respectively demonstrated their parents the process of each activity immersed in a calm environment. Then, all parents joined their children to share this learning experience. At the end, they were impressed about the ability of their children to stay focus during all the activity, especially when it comes to a precise and careful hands-on.It was also an excellent exchange opportunity between the parents, the students and the teachers. The parents appreciated the explanations of the teachers and the teachers showed satisfaction on this interchange. All the teachers highlighted the importance on calling the Montessori materials 'activities' instead of games in order to clarify parents' minds. They all testified to the improvement of their children’s capacity for self-regulation and independence in their daily practice. Some parents were amazed by the significant gain in autonomy. They all gave the example of the mat, the increasing of their creativity and their habits to put everything in the right order.   On this sunny day, parents and students enjoyed reading and sharing Tamil stories and English fairy tales by discovering the Library and the wonderful world of books”.- Govin

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