Food preparation for distribution to old age and poor people covid context |
SEVAI a, Trichy based NGO had set it up Community Kitchen in Collaboration
of Sirugamani Town Panchayat in Trichy District and provides food to migrant workers, senior citizens and children since 5,April 2020.Trichy
District Collector, Trichy advised SEVAI to collaborate Sirugamani Town Panchayat for feeding more
number of needy population. Sirugamani Town Panchayat .During the assessment of need in the field, the
requirement had gone up around 800 persons per day as they are very needy population.
SEVAI with full involvement of feeding around 900 persons a day has taken
up for the entire lockdown period in the Sirugamani
Hygienic vegetables cutting for cooking |
Town Panchayat. The Executive
officer of Sirugamani Town Panchayat Mrs.Umarani extends her support with her staff
for feeding the migrant workers, poor old age people, women and children every
day. Honble Minister Mrs.Valarmathi visited the community kitchen on 6, April
and also distributed food for the needy population and also appreciated the
voluntary service of SEVAI. This is a small Initiative of SEVAI with its
resources of
feeding needy migrant population especially old age and children. SEVAI
Packing food pockets |
extends its appreciation the donors for their timely support for feeding the poor at this crucial
context. It is only the starting point and the needs for the poor people who experience
the nationwide lockdown situation. SEVAI team K.Devendran, P. Vanitha and P. Chitra
and Suda mobilized the volunteers for this feeding. The feeding population takes all
Covid precaution protocol and also distributes face masks for the beneficiaries
and also feeders. SEVAI also appealed for support from donors to help its mission
of reaching out with help for the needy population. K.Govindaaju, Director SEVAI
cautioned SEVAI Team
of Service providing staff involved in disaster to take
care of maximum safety of themselves too, and further enlightened the SEVAI
Team, “The World has been struggling with the ongoing pandemic of COVID 19 and India
has also been adversely affected by this pandemic which has resulted in
the nation-wide lockdown in order to curb down the infection rate.
Consequently, this
Feeding Elderly by SEVAI Team member |
situation has created additional developmental challenges
where lives of millions have been affected, resulting in inaccessibility of
various basic facilities. The Voluntary organizations are to work in
collaboration with the government in providing support to communities. SEVAI is
working in very difficult situations. The FCRA
Department of Ministry of Home Affairs
has sent a digital letter to all FCRA registered Voluntary Organisations with
an appeal to support the government in providing aids and appropriate help to
the millions which are affected. The letter also mentions the areas in which
the Government requires support from the Civil Society in order to overcome the
present ongoing deficits. Additionally, the letter also enclosed a reporting
proforma to understand the area of relief work being
carried out by respective
organisation with regards to response to COVID 19
Food pocket for a child |
and SEVAI needs to comply
with all the Government requirements”.SEVAI also provided the rice and grocery for feeding Andanallur Block People. SHG members produce face masks for all the targeted beneficiaries. Around 10000 masks are produced, and SHGs started producing more number of masks as the need is huge.The current service provided is very initial and the need for reaching SEVAI target area of SHGs are extremely high. SEVAI Childline 1098 and Railway child line Trichy are functional 24 x 7 as emergency services. The Open shelter run for boys by SEVAI-RC is functional and children are taken care with optimum care of Covid prevention protocol. Childline provided fruits to Poor children of
Food pockets distributed to senior citizen |
Kuyavarthoppu, Railway children provides family kits to deserving families of children those who rescued and followed.SEVAI expresses its appreciation to OFI volunteers attached with SEVAI namely Corlie and Olivier for their initiative for supporting SEVAI relief in Covid context.At the request of Block Development officer,Andanallur, SEVAI team collects materials for distribution of family feeding baskets for 186 sanitary workers who are key persons for maintaining the cleanliness of the villages. At the request of District Social welfare officer, 50 senior citizens families, have been distributed food raw ration baskets -Govin
Updated feeding photos 21st April:
Hygienic packing of food for distribution
Food distribution at home for poor senior citizen by SEVAI Volunteers in K.N.Palayam
Food distribution for very old women
Photos of 8th April 2020
SEVAI Team is on wheels for food basket supply |
One Family kit items mobilised by Railway Childline -SEVAI distributed 10 children focused families
Railway children line team distributes family relief kit for needy children family
Feeding people with Social distancing in SEVAI Auditorium
9.4.2020 photos
Relief measures provided to children of Kuyavarhoppu
Family raw ration and hygiene Kit provided by Childline 1098 in Trichy
Rice procurement by SEVAI for distribution
Packing of Family raw ration kits for 200 sanitation workers in Andanallur Block |
Sanitation worker expresses her thanks
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