SEVAI Shanthi
Matriculation Higher Secondary School empowers its students with yoga. SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation
Higher Secondary School teaches yoga in the School which helps children see the
beauty and light within themselves, thereby boosting their self-confidence,
allowing them to feel more comfortable with their bodies, and helping them get
in touch with who they are inside.
are the epitome of love and innocence, capable of high degrees of adaptability.
They take the shape of the mould they are provided with, by way of parental and
external influences. Consequently, the formative years of childhood become a
crucial period when habits, character, and vital personality traits are shaped
for life. Yoga
is a science applicable to all age groups. Inculcating the habit of yoga from
very young is perhaps the ideal way to achieve balance in the mind-body-soul
realm. Holistic health, which includes prevention of diseases by improving the
thought pattern, regulating the energy flow in the body and realizing the
divine within, is as important for children as much as it is for adults. SEVAI
Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School, a home away from home for
children, where maximum

learning takes place, will do well to include health education
in the curriculum. A good way to begin would be to train children in yogic
techniques during designated school hours, which will ensure discipline and
consistency in the practice of yoga. The practice should ideally be started
early in a simple manner, to build the practice effectively in the child's
life. A child who learns yoga, mindfulness and relaxation will be developing
essential skills for a lifetime of health and wellness in mind, body and
spirit. Health and wellness, and character education are common themes in SEVAI
Shanthi Matriculation
Higher Secondary School today, all focusing on educating
the whole child, mind, body and spirit. Yoga, by nature, supports this
learning. The benefits of yoga to support the education of the whole child,
thus maximizing the learning process: Provides students healthy ways to express
and balance their
emotions, Promotes a more relaxed, comfortable state of being
- the perfect state for teaching and learning, Brings students into the present
moment – the most basic requirement for learning, Encourages community and
connectedness within the classroom, Helps to create an atmosphere of
confidence, enthusiasm and non-competitiveness where everyone can succeed,
opportunities for beneficial motor breaks throughout the day, Enhances focus,
concentration, comprehension and memory, Provides opportunities for reflection,
patience and insight, reducing impulsivity and reactivity, Supports social and
emotional learning, Improves listening skills, Wakes up sluggish minds and
creativity as needed, Enhances organizational
and communication skills,
Improves posture, assisting students to sit comfortably for long periods,
Enhances motor skills and balance, Improves mind/body awareness and connection,
Improves confidence and self-esteem,
Encourages respect for oneself and others
and Creates a calm, harmonious classroom. Yoga at large Improves mind/body connection,
Encourages a fit and healthy lifestyle and Promotes an overall sense of
Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School empowers its students with yoga as Yoga acts as a catalyst
and unravels the many wonderful qualities that children possess. Apart from the
apparent physical benefits, it helps the child become aware and focused.-Govin