Friday, February 27, 2015

SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School Anniversary-2015: Bharatanatyam has overall health benefits.

Bharatanatyam performed

Bharatanatyam has overall health benefits. Bharatanatyam was performed in SEVAI Shanthi Matric Higher Secondary School on the occasion of School anniversary-2015. Bharatanatyam dance form has been a traditional dance of Tamilnadu. This popular dance form is a combination of melody, expressions, and rhythm. The three primary elements of Bharatanatyam emphasize body movements and various dance postures; highlight rhythm and body movements, gives significance to poem and drama. A perfect combination of all three elements makes a perfect dance. If performed with absolute concentration this dance form is as beneficial as yoga. The numerous health benefits of bharatanatyam include helping to improves body balance, helps improve the flexibility. This dance form is associated with non verbal communication and facial expressions. Here facial expressions and hand gestures are the main ways to express and communicate feelings.
Bharathanatiyam performance by students of SEVAI School
Bharatanatyam Dance can increase dancer’s flexibility. Many of the steps require squatting half-way or sitting completely with knees spread and back straight. Practice this a few times and the students of Bharatanatyam feel more nimble within minutes. Bharatanatyam develops concentration and it Bharatanatyam improves the overall response of both the body and the mind, as the dancer also needs to remember different steps, their names, the different moves, rhythm and beats of the song and maintain the synchrony and sharpens the mental skills, improves concentration, and develops mental alertness. Bharatnatyam dancing has specific beneficial impact on maintaining favourable body composition variables in children and thereby reducing the chance of overweight in adulthood. Moreover, dance can increase your flexibility. Many of the steps require squatting half-way or sitting completely with knees spread and back straight. Practice this a few times and you’ll feel more nimble within minutes. Bharatanatyam has overall health benefits it contributes to the healthy well-being. 
Cultural events by students
The most other dances performed in the school Anniversary also have physical exercise benefits also -Govin

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