Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Creating Forest has been undertaken in dry land area of Thottiyapatty.


Thottiyapatty is situated in a dry land area in Thogamalai Block. SEVAI a Trichy based NGO as supported by Society General promoted for plantation of trees where the land is very dry and depends on only rainfall. SEVAI Project Manager, K.Devendran created awareness among the dry land farmers to plant and grow trees sustainable in dry land areas. K.Devendran said, “Creating Forest is the establishment of a forest is important where there is no tree cover-as Trees help check atmospheric carbon dioxide. Creating Forest is highly important to maintain biodiversity and ecological balances. Forests protect the soil both directly and indirectly from wind and water erosion. Forests have a significant role in soil and water protection. Trees, forest litter and undergrowth protect soil from degradation and erosion and maintain high-quality water by filtering contaminants. In addition, forest also conserve water by increasing infiltration, reduce runoff velocity and surface erosion, decrease sedimentation, regulate water yield and flow, moderate floods, enhance precipitation and mitigate salinity.
It is also important to prevent global warming, soil erosion and pollution.
tree plants supplied to Farmers by SEVAI
Creating Forest
is the effort to plant trees in barren lands so as to create a forest.Our Earth has been constantly trying to cope with the way in which human beings use natural resources, clear forest lands, cut trees, and contaminate the air, land, and water. It is vital to extend the life of the planet and its living organisms are the increase of natural resources and decrease of exploitation of these resources. By planting trees and creating forests, many of the commercial needs of human beings are fulfilled, while not destroying what is left of the planet.
Creating Forest is, therefore, a practice that has been propagated by government and non-government agencies as a way to stop over-exploitation of nature. Forests and forest soils play a broad, complex and interactive role within the environment. Soils have provided the foundation for trees and entire forests over millions of years. Soil is an important component of forest and woodland ecosystems as it helps regulate important ecosystem processes, such as nutrient uptake, decomposition, and water availability. Soils provide trees with anchorage, water and nutrients. In turn, trees as well as other plants and vegetation, are an important factor in the creation of new soil as leaves and other vegetation rot and decompose. In terms of the environmental benefits, planting
SEVAI-Tree Forest in  Thottiyapatty
trees is always beneficial whether it takes place in a barren land or is used as a method to regenerate a depleted forest. Creating Forest is a positive effort in curbing the over-use and destruction of natural forests. If done with proper planning and at appropriate sites, it can become a commercially viable solution for many human needs without harming the balance of nature. Forests, forest soils and their interactions carry out key functions that contribute to food security and a healthy environment.
The importance of these effects has often been ignored in the past, with the clearance of tree vegetation and the subsequent loss of millions of hectares of productive land. Furthermore, as forests
Tree Red gram harvest in Thottiyapatty
continue to be cleared-exposing the land to direct attack from wind and rain-soil erosion and land degradation are still undermining agriculture's resource base. In order to protect our soils, we need to protect our trees and forests. Both of these vital resources play pivotal roles in food security and a healthy environment.”-Kris

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