Monday, December 9, 2019

Foundation Hirzel and OFI supported SEVAI Rural Technology centre in Sirugamani functions are learning centre for watershed management.

Watershed model set up by SEVAI, visited by Students
Foundation Hirzel and OFI supported SEVAI Rural Technology centre in Sirugamani has established a three dimension Watershed Management model for teaching the trainees and students on the watershed management techniques. Watershed development needs various interventions for soil and water conservation. One such intervention in watershed development is the construction of check dam. The coordinator of the Technology centre K.Devendran said, “Check dams are useful to regulate the flow of water as per needs during summer when there is scarcity of water in water shadow regions of Tamilnadu.Checkdams, percolation tanks, contour and farm bunding, afforestration are some of the key components of Watershed and all these features are marked in the three dimension watershed demo-model and that this demo model is used to describe the process of implementing land use practices and water management practices to protect and improve the quality of the water and other natural resources within a watershed by managing the use of those land and water resources in a comprehensive manner. The watershed project implemented by SEVAI in Dasilnaickanoor is a micro watershed project that results in a plan of how to best protect and improve the water quality and other natural resources in a watershed. The coordinator added, ‘Water is essential for our future. A healthy watershed provides the triple benefits of human, ecological and economic
Tree Nursery Raising
health. The goal of watershed management is to properly balance and manage this resource. Watershed management is an adaptive, comprehensive,

integrated multi-resource management planning process that seeks to balance healthy ecological, economic, and cultural, social conditions within a watershed. Watershed management serves to integrate planning for land and water; it takes into account both ground and surface water flow, recognizing and planning for the interaction of water, plants, animals and human land use found within the physical boundaries of a watershed. Watershed management provides a framework for integrated decision-making to help: assess the nature and status of the watershed; identify watershed issues; define and re-evaluate short and long-term objectives, actions and goals; assess benefits and costs; and implement and evaluate actions. . A healthy, intact watershed minimizes the impacts of flooding and erosion and serves to filter sediments and contaminants so they do not reach our streams, lakes, and groundwater. An abundant supply of clean water is essential for a vibrant economy. Life requires a safe daily supply of water. But water is far more than that: clean surface and ground water is essential to support our high quality of life and the social aspects of our communities.”SEVAI Rural Technology centre has also promoted tree nursery raising techniques unit- Govin 

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