Childine 1098-Trichy team members,CWC members with CCI Childen. |
Childline 1098-Trichy celebrated Republic
Day-2020 in Child Care Institute –CCI, Annai Ashram, situated Near Airport,
Trichy in collaboration with Child Welfare Committee, Social Welfare Department
and Annai Ashram. A presentation on Child Safety as promoted by Children India Foundation
(CIF) was exhibited to the CCI, inmates-(Girls) on Child rights such as Survival
Rights, Developmental Rights, Protective Rights, Participatory Rights and Childline
-1098 services for child safety. Childline 1098,(SEVAI) Project Coordinator I.
Muralikumar enlightened that all children deserve equality,
despite their difference and they are entitled to all child rights, no matter
what caste, religion, language gender or abilities define them and further said
“CHILDLINE reaches out
to the children in need of care and protection in the areas of Child Labour, Abuse and Violence,
Sexual Abuse, Child Trafficking, Missing, Runaways,Child Health,
Addiction,Education related, Child Marriage and Homeless
and The primary focus of CHILDLINE awareness to make the 1098 number known to
children, show them how to call and built their confidence in the CHILDLINE
Child Welfare Committee member Shri.N.Krishnamoorthy enlightened
the significance of celebrating Republic day and said India became a sovereign democratic republic after
its constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
became the first President of India
and they key role played by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, in drafting the constitution of
India. Child Welfare Committee member elaborated that we need to children a happy and safe environment that would
nurture them physically, mentally, and emotionally. Shri.N.Krishnamoorthy
further added the Child rights go beyond just human rights; Children need more
than just human rights due to a set of unique needs stemming from their
vulnerabilities. Shri.N.Krishnamoorthy briefed
about the further rights of children such as the right to an identity in
the form of a public record, the right to health, the right to
education, freedom from violence, abuse
or neglect, the
right to a family life, the right to be protected from violence, right
to voice their opinions, free of criticism or contempt and the right to be protected from
Dr.M.Gnavel, another member of Child welfare committee stated that
it is important that the children should be provided with Medical
care, nutrition, protection from harmful habits and safe working environments and
special care and support for children with special needs, as well as quality
health care including drinking water, nutrition, and a safe environment.
Oratory program on Republic Day celebration and right of children, MIME shows, singing
of child Protection by the adolescent girls of the CCI were organized on this occasion.
Around 200 child children actively exhibited their skills in knowledge connectivity
of safety and right of children. Prizes were distributed from the good offices District
Social Welfare officer, Trichy for the participants.-Kris