Class room constructed in SEVAI School |
K.Govindaraju, Director, SEVAI, Trichy based NGO
appreciates ICHEC –India 2020 projects addressed,
“Dear Mr. Vincent Haurt, team Members and ICHEC
students of Allur Community centre construction and School class room
construction projects- 2020,
Good evening.
At the outset, as Director of SEVAI, I would
like to express my sincere appreciation to ICHEC Senior Management, staff
members and students of ICHEC both teams, Allur and SEVAI Shanthi School of
-2020 for the efficient involvement of the construction projects in Allur and
Shanthi School.
We are grateful to Senior Management of ICHEC
Business School, Brussels and the Director of Mr. Vincent Haurt and ably assisted by the supportive
staff members for selecting SEVAI for this partnership nearly for two decades. SEVAI
has been partners with ICHEC for 17 years now. ICHEC has been financing for
housing, construction of school class rooms and construction community centers and
wok sheds for livelihood projects for local poor people of the villages of
Trichirapalli District.
India includes varied ecological
formations along with cultural diversity and historical heritage. Over the
years, India has grown manifold and embraced changes to keep up with the
dynamics of the world. ICHEC Students, Being volunteers in SEVAI in India can
be complex as well as rewarding experiences of life. You students of ICHEC,
coming and working on voluntary basis in SEVAI in India would have gained familiarity about this part of the country and
its language and culture and would have developed leadership skills,
self-confidence and a greater understanding of the local work culture around
you in both projects.
As students’ volunteers from Belgium coming for three
weeks you, ICHEC Students
Community centre constructed in SEVAI Allur |
must have certainly come across things that amazed,
challenged, and changed you. In spite of the rapid development, India still
faces several socio-economic problems including illiteracy, issues pertaining
to women and children, poverty, lack of sanitation facilities etc. You might
find yourself questioning and constantly evaluating your definitions of ‘social
work’, ‘volunteerism’ and ‘service’. We, SEVAI sincerely appreciate ICHEC Business School Students
team students’ labor-intensive support of the construction process of Community
Hall construction situated in SEVAI centre, Allur as well as SEVAI Shanthi
School class room constructions. ICHEC Team students worked friendly with community people, students,
construction workers, masons,electricians,painters and roof fixing
professionals, barbenders and plumbers etc.in both Allur and SEVAI School
projects and it also gave happiness for the local construction workers for
expressive communication with quality construction works.
ICHEC Volunteers provided a selfless service with no financial benefit for the ICHEC
students but for the students of SEVAI School and rural community of Allur. The community center in Allur is constructed
in a manner, which is conductive to the rural communities needs for
accommodating around 150 persons at a time with the stage facilities and
electrical fittings and eye pleasing colors.
Workshed Roofing for training youth |
The Classroom
constructed by ICHEC in SEVAI Shanthi School has ventilation, veranda space and
adequate space for learning and teaching process as teacher - students’
friendly, the best place and mark of experiences and emotions and educational
memories of each and every student. Both the projects in Allur and SEVAI School will be put in use as soon
the inauguration is over for the purpose of the construction of buildings aimed
are very happy to receive ICHEC Team as volunteer in Trichy Villages. The ICHEC
Students are cheerful and adaptive to local culture and living conditions,
foods and work culture. They are work
conscious and respect local customs and
during their stay of thee weeks, they were always eager to learn and inquire
about our community life as they also share their experiences with us.
The ICHEC students
are quick learners and as they understood the daily
ICHEC Staff expresses her happiness |
working, they took
initiatives to help with things
on their own but falling in line with the targeted community Centre
construction works with construction field professionals. The students liked
being in the nature and was engaged in many physical tasks. Each time we
inquired about their well-being, the students smile and say "everything is
fine, we are always fine". The students have positive attitude to work and
socialize with local community people.
On behalf of SEVAI
and target villages’ community of Allur and SEVAI Shanthi School, I want to
express our great appreciation for the management of ICHEC and its students for
sincere efforts in the construction of
school class rooms in SEVAI Shanthi School, Allur Community Centre and
up gradation of rural technology centre in Sirugamani.We wish more success and hope to strengthen our
relationship with mutual cooperation with ICHEC and great success for the
students in their studies”.