Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Play Therapy for Children with Disabilities.

SEVAI: Society for Education, Village and Improvement run Special Residential School for children in need, with disability. Children-centered play has been adopted in Special Residential School run by Society for Education, Village and Improvement in Trichy “as a dynamic interpersonal relationship between a child and a therapist...who provides selected play materials and facilitates the development of a safe relationship for the child to fully express and explore self...". SYSTEM of District Welfare committee has allotted its space for differently abled children for outdoor relaxation and physiotherapy in Trichy Myopathy.Special Olympic chapter of Trichy tries to promote the energy positively in sports and also trains to fit in job oriented life coping skills for the mentally retarded. The Special school children express their desire to go ground for practice and fresh air in Kalaiarangam preemies as they were sheltered most time in their SEVAI residential centre. Educational Psychologists view that outdoor play ventilates the children’s mind those are mentally retarded.

SEVAI: Society for Education, Village and Improvement promoted Children-centered play therapy motivates the child spontaneously plays with a selection of toys representing household objects, transportation, wild and domestic animals, aggression toys, doll family, community helper dolls, puppets, creative art supplies, and throwing toys. SEVAI therapist provides the core conditions of empathy, warmth and genuine respect for the child. The therapist reflects the feelings expressed by the child's spontaneous, free play. The therapist is careful not to make judgmental statements about the child or the child executed products.
The Child-centered approach is focused on the child's growth and development and his/her ability to know what is best for him or herself. According to SEVAI Counselor, Kasturi, lack of comparison to others makes person-centered play therapy an appropriate method for working with disabled Children. Person-centered theory provides a framework for empowering the individual to seek the highest level of ability possible. The primary goal of children-centered play therapy encourages independence and integration of the child's growing personality. Through the growth process, the child develops the confidence to cope with life's challenges. Play therapy allows children with physical disabilities to discover what they can do and who they are. This project focuses on child-centered play therapy for children with disabilities. The activities include for the rehabilitation counselor who may wish to work with children who may need clarification for referral purposes.

Kasturi stated that lack of mobility, over-protective parental attitudes, preoccupation with treatment; authoritarian treatment climate, limited personal responsibility, and lack of decision-making experiences often result in children with disabilities perceiving themselves as less than competent. Children with disabilities may extend their perceptions of physical limitations beyond those imposed by the disability. Because these children have less control over their lives, they may not develop self-confidence. Play therapy provides opportunities for children with physical disabilities to gain self-confidence, to take advantage of their abilities, and to accept and overcome the limitations associated with their disabilities. Feelings of inadequacy and rejection by others are among the greatest challenges faced by children with disabilities. These feelings of inadequacy and rejection come from sources external to the children. Kastruri suggested that because children with disabilities cannot engage in all activities in which their age mates participate, they may be perceived as incompetent, helpless, unproductive, and dependent. Children who are considered different or unattractive may be avoided and considered to be less deserving and less desirable than their age mates without disabilities. She indicate that counselor acceptance of children with disabilities leads these special children toward self-acceptance. Lack of self-acceptance and feelings of inadequacy are minimized by providing children with disabilities with a warm and supportive environment. The accepting environment provides an insulator against the rejection that the child may experience. One method to accomplish a warm, supportive and accepting environment is through person-centered play therapy. EtNS.

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