Friday, March 11, 2011

‘Women’s development brings about a more Just Society’-Villuthuhal

‘Women’s development brings about a more just society’-Villuthuhal Federation Organiser, Vanitha said in   panel discussion in commemorations of IWD Centenary in Trichy. A panel discussion was organised on the theme of “Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women: A Way Forward” including issues of concerns for women in agriculture and informal sectors, financial inclusion of women and women’s access to education and skill development. Mrs.P.Chitra, Project Director of SEVAI chaired the panel discussion. The panelists were Suda, Vanitha, Xyian Stephen and Mrs. Mohana Sundaram.Vanitha of Villuthuhal said that Villuthuhal is a federation Society of Women in Action for Empowerment, are a grass-roots movement of more than 100000 rural women living in Trichy District of Tamil Nadu in South India. As an organization, Villuthuhal embodies the hope of its members that women's development will bring about a more just and sustainable society. Every woman is motivated by something. Whether this motivation comes from people and activities like family, hobbies, eating, volunteering, or work, you experience motivation. Work motivation depends on work environment, personal needs from work, and whether the interaction of these needs with work environment supports the accomplishment of goals. P.Chitra said,’SEVAI, as service provider of NIIT under Ministry of Rural Development, India, had trained 40 rural women of the age group 18-35 in office administration and computer applications in Trichirapalli District of Tamilnadu in 2010 and all the 40 trained women are employed computer aided services and the average income per month works out Rs.3000-5000. The Key intervention played by SEVAI is identifying the right candidates and training them, as per the guidelines given in the SGSY scheme the BPL candidates would be sourced to various courses that enable them to get employment ready in a period of 2 to 3 months’.
Mrs.Meena of NIIT of Chennai visited SEVAI Trichy and said’ The candidates trained will be given an NIIT endorsed certificate which has strong brand value in the market space and will be a lifelong asset, Creation of strong Placement Network, This will subsequently lead to higher placement percentage among the trained candidates. Post Placement Tracking of Candidates:  For the requirement of tracking placed by MoRD, we have proposed to create a help-desk, using which, we will track all candidates trained and placed as a part of this project. ‘Speaking on the occasion of world Women’s day centenary consultations with SEVAI team, Meena said Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), is playing a crucial role in providing employment to women. Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) has envisioned the scheme SGSY (Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana) to provide support for self employment and wage employment to the rural BPL youth. Under the SGSY scheme, MoRD has structured provision for creating special projects for skill development to enable the rural BPL youth to get wage employment and NIIT serves as National Level service provider and SEVAI serves as grass-root level service provider to the BPL families.
 Xyion Stephen said’ every person has different reasons for working. The reasons for working are as individual as the person. But, we all work because we obtain something that we need from work. The something obtained from work impacts morale, employee motivation, and the quality of life. To create positive employee motivation, treat employees as if they matter - because employees matter. These ideas will help you fulfill what people want from work and create employee motivation. Employee motivation describes an employee’s intrinsic enthusiasm about and drives to accomplish work. Every employee is motivated about something in his or her life. Motivating employees about work is the combination of fulfilling the employee's needs and expectations from work and workplace factors that enable employee motivation - or not’-EtNS

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