Sunday, May 8, 2011

Disability is red tagged as "disabled", "mentally challenged", or bluntly "retarded –Dr.K.Govindaraju.

Special educator Diana gives individual care for needy child
Dr.K.Govindaraju, Chairman of South Zone Board of Continuing Education in his key note address among the special educators organized by SEVAI in TRISAKTHI Preemies in Trichy mentioned ‘Disability is red tagged as "disabled", "mentally challenged", or bluntly "retarded’ He further said ‘It is painful to come across many prejudices and discriminations among children with special needs within our world that people create, act upon, and/or support either consciously or subconsiously.These actions are oppressive, narrow-minding, and frankly evil. One group that many people prejudice against are children who obtain a disability, whether it would be mental, physical, subtle, or severe. Anyone who is considered to have any form of a disability will be red tagged as "disabled", "mentally challenged", or bluntly "retarded". These accusations among these innocent people are disgraceful, immoral, and inconsiderate. These people did not ask for this, yet they are treated like dirt and are considered inferior to the superior race. It is inhumane, and really needs to be addressed to reduce the inequalities and maltreatment these people face every day. Luckily there are a lot of people out there in the world who do care about these wonderful people, and even become remarkable teachers to help, guide, care, and love these children like any other teacher would for a normal class-full of students and SEVAI,( a voluntary orgnisation is one in Tamilnadu in India in its inclusive approach for disabled has given hope for such children with special needs and around 5000 children get benefit out their intervention in the inclusive education project of SSA. Even so, there is still a large portion of people who do not give a damn about these people, and feel that they are not worth the time, effort, energy, or love. Everyone is aiming for this fantastical goal of being the "perfect" and "normal" human being, but what is "normal"? Is there even such a thing as being normal, or is it just something the dominant race created for people to aim for, and give the right to discriminate others who do not fit in their small, refined, spherical world. From wanting to be this "perfect" boy or girl, you fall into this cycle, and continue the process of discrimination people with disabilities because they are not considered "normal" or "perfect" in this "capitalistic world". Many people who come into this world with a disability are faced with many challenges; one of them being the prejudices from society. They are teased, bullied, mocked, and maltreated from either their peers, classmates, upperclassmen, and so on. These children did not ask to have these special challenges, yet many people forget about their feelings, and will act harshly, coldly, and cruelly to these children. Many people will say "they are only children, they will do that", but really where are these children learning it from? So in order to stop this vicious cycle, parents need to address their children about people who have a challenge, and how they are just like him or her; they have feelings, they can feel pain, sorrow, and sadness as much as they do, so they must treat them the same way they want to be treated. Will it eliminate discrimination to these people, most likely not completely eliminate them, but it will help reduce it at least. There are many people with a special challenge that are amazing people, and a lot of them have a heart of gold. The teachers and aides who work with these children are amazing as well, and have unconditional love for these people. As much as there are teachers who care for these children, there are certainly a lot of teachers who don't care for them as well. They can be seen mostly in public schools where there are visible cliques and status quos that children gather themselves in, and tracks that teachers put students on based on their ability and effort in schoolwork. Children with special needs face a lot of hardship and obstacles in public schools. They are distinctive among the array of children because they are different, and as such they are treated differently because of that. Some schools are really effective with these children, and give them the attention and counseling they need. Even so, there are schools that do not have the child's need and requirements in their interest, and will not work with them as effectively as they would with a straight a student. These children, depending on how severe their challenge is, may need a lot of help and attention, and in a tight system that the education is put forth; it is difficult sometimes for teachers to give their full effort to these children. They will neglect a child's needs, guidance, and help that they are supposed to provide for them. Also they will give up on a child, or lash out at them if the child does not answer the question right, or does not know the answer. I made my stand, now make yours!’-Dr.K.Govindaraju concluded. Earlier Special Educator of SEVAI welcomed and special Educator Suhanthi proposed vote of thanks.-KRIS

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