Saturday, September 28, 2013

Life Coping Skills are taught to SEVAI Link Workers and its target beneficiaries

SEVAI Team those received TOT on Life Coping skills.

Life coping skills are very important for maintaining harmony among the students, on-students and also public. SEVAI a Trichy based NGO gives special training to students,youth,young women and public opinion leaders on Life coping skills so that they would train the rest of the members in their localities. The training has been provided as Training of Trainers especially for Link Workers and the team of LWS. This TOT gives focus: Coping strategies refer to the specific efforts, both behavioral and psychological, that people employ to master, tolerate, reduce, or minimize stressful events. Two general coping strategies have been distinguished: problem-solving strategies are efforts to do something active to alleviate stressful circumstances, whereas emotion-focused coping strategies involve efforts to regulate the emotional consequences of stressful or potentially stressful events. Active coping strategies are either behavioral or psychological responses designed to change the nature of the stressor itself or how one thinks about it, whereas avoidant coping strategies lead people into activities or mental states that keep them from directly addressing stressful events. Generally speaking, active coping strategies, whether behavioral or emotional, are thought to be better ways to deal with stressful events, and avoidant coping strategies appear to be a psychological risk factor or marker for adverse responses to stressful life events. Broad distinctions, such as problem-solving versus emotion-focused, or active versus avoidant, have only limited utility for understanding coping, and so research on coping and its measurement has evolved to address a variety of more specific coping strategies. Active Coping (taking action or exerting efforts to remove or circumvent the stressor), Planning (thinking about how to confront the stressor, planning one's active coping efforts), Seeking Instrumental Social Support (seeking assistance, information, or advice about what to do), Seeking Emotional Social Support (getting sympathy or emotional support from someone), Suppression of Competing Activities (suppressing one's attention to other activities in which one might engage in order to concentrate more completely on dealing with the stressor), Religion (increased engagement in religious activities), Positive interpretation and Growth (making the best of the situation by growing from it or viewing it in a more favorable light), Restraint Coping (coping passively by holding back one's coping attempts until they can be of use), Resignation/Acceptance (accepting the fact that the stressful event has occurred and is real), Focus on and Venting of Emotions (an increased awareness of one's emotional distress, and a concomitant tendency to ventilate or discharge those feelings), Denial (an attempt to reject the reality of the stressful event), Mental Disengagement (psychological disengagement from the goal with which the stressor is interfering, through daydreaming, sleep, or self-distraction).Life Coping Skills and Occupational Development provide people instruction and workshop opportunities that focus on specific practical skill development as well as community and individual enhancement.. When stress occurs in life we try to “fix it” or at least manage it using the tools in our toolboxes. Individuals with toolboxes full of positive coping skills are better equipped to handle stressful life experiences in a positive way. Positive coping skills can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression and foster peace and emotional stability during stressful life events to respond and maintain Self Esteem, Acceptance, Personality Development, Positive Thinking, Motivation and Self Actualization, Goal Setting, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Time Management, Stress Management & Coping with Depression, Coping with Shyness, Coping with, Coping with Fear, Coping with ,Coping with Criticism and Coping with Conflict.-Govin

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