Friday, September 27, 2013

SEVAI-LWS-HIV-AIDS Prevention Team assures reaching the given target

The review meeting for Link workers Scheme implemented by SEVAI( was
LWS Data review by PD TANSACS
conducted by the Founder Director SEVAI,Dr.K.Govindaraju.The DRP-P; Mrs.A.Amala presented the salient features of Link Worker Scheme being implemented in SEVAI by SEVAI with the support of VHS,the lead agency and TANSACS/NACO. Mrs.A.Amala pointed out that the supervisors and Link workers of LWS are the pillars of the program. She also appreciated the fullest involvement of P.Subramanian, DRP-Training and Mrs.R.Elizabeth Mary for their fullest support for the success of the program. Ramaraj, one of the supervisors mentioned that the support extended by RRC members, volunteers of the program and also PRI members; SHG members are very constructive for implementing LWS in Trichirapalli District. The other supervisors Padma, Rathinamary and Revathy also mentioned that the supports extended by Government Hospitals ICTC Centres, counselors and Lab technicians and DAPCU, VHS are very encouraging for the implementation of the LWS program. The SEVAI/VHS approved  LWS Team members assured that they would reach out to HRGs and vulnerable men and women in rural areas with information, knowledge, skills on STI/HIV prevention and risk reduction which entitles Increasing the availability and use of condoms among HRGs and other vulnerable men and women; Establishing referral and follow-up linkages for various services including treatment for STIs, testing and treatment for TB, ICTC/PPTCT services, HIV care and support services including ART, Creating an enabling environment for PLHIVs and their families, reducing stigma and discrimination against them through interactions with existing community structures/ groups, e.g. Village Health Committees (VHC) , Self Help Groups (SHG) and Panchayati Raj Institutes (PRI).SEVAI Director, Dr.K.Govindaraju mentioned that the functionaries of Link worker are to conceive for building the capacity of the rural community in fighting with HIV, identifying and training, village level workforce of Supervisors, Link Workers and volunteers on issues of HIV/AIDS, gender, sexuality, STIs and above all on mobilizing difficult-to-reach, especially vulnerable sub populations including high risk individuals, youth and women. Linking these marginalized sub populations to the public health services for STI, ICTC, ART and then their follow up back to communities is one of the key areas that is expected to be addressed by theses Link Workers, generating volunteerism among the community for fighting HIV/AIDS and inculcating health values is another cornerstone of this strategy and  to ensure that the total mapped High Risk Individuals are to be reached by link workers, village wise with information relevant to HIV prevention and risk reduction, the total mapped vulnerable young people reached by link workers, village wise with information relevant to HIV prevention and risk reduction, the total identified people from high risk groups are referred by link worker/volunteers to HIV related services .the total HRG should receive HIV testing in the last 12 months and know their results  and these  HRG receive treatment for STIs and the entire  PLHIVs identified receive services from SEVAI,the entire identified vulnerable population are to be referred for ICTC testing and SNA vulnerable population should received HIV testing in the last 12 months and know their results and the vulnerable population receive treatment for STIs (Symptomatic cases).The Action plan for the last week of September was presented by DRP-P with the consultation of her team.-Govin

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