Thursday, November 1, 2018

Vegetable farmers of Thottiyapatty Watershed region take a good quantity and quality Brinjal vegetables as result of watershed project of SEVAI with the support of SG.

Women farmers harvest the Brinjal cultivated in their fields

Brinjal Vegetable packed for sales
The most popular vegetable in south India, especially in Tamil Nadu is brinjal. Those were the days when brinjal was called “the poor man's vegetable,” since it was available in abundance and was cheaper in the market when compared to other vegetables. Brinjals are of different varieties, in size, colour and taste. Brinjals occupy a prominent place in culinary items. In south Indian marriages, the main item served on the day of marriage is the special sambar with brinjal. Brinjal is a very good source of dietary fiber, vitamin B1 and copper. It is a good source of manganese, vitamin B6, niacin, potassium, folate and vitamin K. Brinjal also contains phytonutrients such as nasunin and chlorogenic acid.  Brinjal vegetables, cultivated in watershed region of Thottiyapatty area yields good as supported by SEVAI as supported by Society General. The farmers expresses their happiness that the recharge of water to their irrigation wells from the Check dams constructed by SEVAI as supported by Society General(SG) enables them to cultivate vegetables and other garden lands. Brinjal vegetables are a versatile crop adapted to different agro-climatic regions and is grown throughout the year with a little water. It is a perennial and grown commercially as an annual crop.
Pichaikalai, a marginal farmer of Thottiyapatty says, “Brinjal is a feeder crop
Thottiyapatty farmer.
and a balance application of manure is very important for important for successful crop production with the application farmyard manure incorporated at the time of field preparation.
Timely irrigation is quite essential for good growth, flowering, vegetable setting and development of vegetable. Higher yield may be obtained at optimum moisture level and soil fertility conditions. Irrigation is given before top dressing of there is no rain. The weeds are controlled as soon as they seen, by traditional method of hand weeding. Frequent shallow cultivation is being done at regular intervals so as to keep the field free from weeds and to facilitate soil aeration and proper root development. The brinjal vegetable are harvested when they attain full size and colour but before start of ripening. Tenderness bright colour and glossy appearance of brinjal vegetable is the optimum stage of harvesting of vegetables. When the vegetable look dull, it is an indication of maturity and loss of quality. The yield varies from season to season, variety to variety and location to location.”-Kris

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