The initiation of SEVAI
Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School in Pettavaithalai has created
great willingness and response among the villagers nearby towards sending their
children to the School for getting quality education. The teachers promote the
Children in the School with special attention in creative Education system.
This integral formula multiple our aptitudes, adds our enthusiasm, subtracts
our negligence, divides us from superiority complex. Special Features of Creative Education System: The beginning of
everyday is a smiling one for the children of SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation
Higher Secondary School, for school going. Around 1600 pupils hailing from the
interior rural villages get benefited by this school. Group work and study also
encouraged the children for the better quality of education. Specialized
teachers impart quality education focusing in-depth parts of the subjects and methodology.
The way of teaching and the other activities are designed for the School pupils
based on Tamilnadu State Syllabus and the quality of the education has been
updated every year towards periodic development. This School has been
recognized by the Government for conducting upto 12th standard for
the children to continue their higher studies. The students of SEVAI Shanthi
Matriculation Higher Secondary School in Pettavaithalai achieved 100% result
with first class marks in the exam recognized by the Government. SEVAI Shanthi
Matriculation Higher Secondary School is a distinctive educational institution
in Trichirappalli District. It nurtures, in the minds of young children, all
the values necessary for a successful and meaningful life. The aim of this
humble institution is the accomplishment of the overall development of each
child irrespective of its caste, creed or religion. SEVAI with the support of
several well wishers and supporters founded this school, and it aims at
providing quality education based on sound educational principles.
SEVAI undertakes Comprehensive developmental activities and as a part of its
activities it had SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School in
Pettavaithalai to provide quality education based on sound educational
principles.SEVAI Shanthi Higher
Secondary School Courses: XI & XII Standard, Maths, Physics,
Chemistry, Biology, and Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science. To that
end this school is ecumenical in intention, international in perspective,
caring in spirit, committed in action and dedicated to excellence as such, The
school reinforces the philosophy, mission and objectives of " SEVAI
Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School ",Promotes Academic excellence,
Enables each student to reach his or her potential in all dimensions. The
purpose of the higher sec. school Uniform Policy is to provide a regular
appearance, and to assure adequate protection from the climate, consistent with
school activity. The uniform policy promotes the development of good personal
grooming habits. The wearing of the school uniform is obligatory. All items
should be marked with the student’s name.SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher
Secondary School is also a caring environment where students are encouraged to
reach their full potential, prepared to think globally, with a commitment to
justice and challenged to act responsibly in a consistently changing
society.SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School with a consistent
track record for achieving the highest academic results.SEVAI Shanthi
Matriculation Higher Secondary School has a comprehensive curriculum that is
varied to cater for all students' needs.SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher
Secondary School has invested over the past 5 years in developing our campus,
with the objective of giving our students the very best environment and
facilities to work in. SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School has
Visual and Performing Arts program and facility which is probably the best in
Trichy today.SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School Athletics
program is regarded by many as one of the most comprehensive of any of the
matriculation schools in Tamil Nadu and one that has seen significant success
over the years.SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School provides
plenty of opportunities for the all-around development of our pupils. This is
done through various literary & cultural associations of our school.
Activities like Scouts & Guides, Road Safety Patrol, Bull Bulls, Band, Cubs
Sports activities, Dance, Music classes are conducted regularly.SEVAI Shanthi
Matriculation Higher Secondary School has Scouts & Guides troops to
cultivate the habit of becoming good citizens and to improve the humanity of the
country. It conducts a regular camp which helps to face the abnormal situation
without the help of others. In camps various games are conducted which improves
the physical & mental abilities of the children. It has been carried out by
well trained teachers.SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School has
Road Safety Patrol troops.Every day a group of students perform some functions
outside the school campus. It helps the students to realize the disaster of the
accidents and how they can prevent it.First aids are taught to these students
so that they can save many lives. SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary
School yoga classes twice a week. It strengthens the mental ability of the
children.“True glory consists in doing and living to make the world happier and
better for our living in it.”Under the guidance of 2 teachers, 40 students take
active role in awakening environmental awareness among people.SEVAI School
Pupils behave in a courteous and gentle manner on all occasions. They address
their teachers and all members of the staff with due respect and politeness.
Good moral behavior and gentle ways are prerequisites of every student. They
always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. All Students
strictly observe the rules of the school, attending of home work, regular
attendance, moral behavior, disobedience, and respect towards the members of
the staff. Parents’ takes part and co-operate in the work of the school by
enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline and by taking a daily interest
in their children's progress. They check the diary daily for any remarks and
note the homework given. The parents also check the diaries regularly and note
the teachers’ remark, etc., and acknowledge the same promptly by placing their signature
against the remark. Parents also see that their children study and do their
homework regularly. Parents make their own arrangement whenever students are
asked to come before / remain after school hours for various curricular and extracurricular
activities. Whenever the parents are asked to meet the principal to discuss
their son's academic condition / any misbehavior, they meet the Principal
without fail on the stipulated date specified in the circular letter sent by
the school office. Parents who seek information or who wish to make some
complaint should do so to the Principal and not to the class teacher. Parents,
guardians or other persons are not allowed to meet the students or interview
their teachers during school hours without permission of the Principal. The
members of the staff be met during their free periods or school recesses.
Parents, when communicating with the principal, are requested to mention in
their letter the class (standard) and division of their children. Parents who
wish to take their children out during the school hours should get the
necessary written permission from the Principal by submitting a letter and
stating the reason. Parents should come in persons to take their children from
the school normally school is a place where children are taught. The process of
teaching differs from school to school depending on the ideals and philosophy
of the schools. A school that has futuristic approach knows the difference
between teaching for marks and teaching for life.SEVAI School has a judicious
mixture of these both ingredients of education. A student of such a school has
exciting experience of gathering more and more skills for his life. In SEVAI SHANTHI MATRICULATION HIGHER
SECONDARY SCHOOL, Students are exposed to the four basic skills for the
success of life.1) Skill to take decisions in a short time,2) Skill to accept difficult
situations,3) Skill to communicate what he has in mind to others effectively,4)
Skill to work under pressure. SEVAI still keep their minds clear about the
goal of education i.e to prepare the students entrusted to them to face the
world boldly with justice, equality, liberty and fraternity. A school, which
prepares their students only for the board examination will never achieve this