Friday, September 27, 2013

‘Baby goats are nice and gentle’- goat farm care takers trained in SEVAI.

An adolescent holds lovely baby goat
‘Baby goats are nice and gentle’ said by P.Vanitha of SEVAI while training goat rearing women in SEVAI goat farm centre in Sirugamani.She further added, “Tamilnadu Government provides free goats to poor women and the goats and baby goats are to be taken care with full attention for better income. A goat that is less than 6 months old is called a kid.  Baby goats are called kids, Mother Goats are nannies. Fathers are called billy goats. Baby goats are nice and gentle. Goats are herbivorous mammals of the genus Capra, which means goat in Latin. Baby goats, or kids, require extra care and keeping just like any baby, and their owner should provide it if they wish to have a healthy, productive herd. These young goats will need colostrum, milk, water, hay, grain, health care, shelter, vaccinations, hoof trimming and tattooing. Following aschedule is important when owners are providing these needs. An adult female goat is called a doe or nannyfeed the baby goat fresh milk regularly. The best milk would be from his mother or any other goat, although you can also feed it milk from any cow. However, per gallon of cow milk, remember to add three spoons of corn syrup. The first time, it may not want to drink it, but after a while it should. We need to feed the baby goat regularly and in small amounts because babies are born with small stomachs, the feeding can be for baby four times a day. They might not drink it in the first time if it wasn't goat milk because cow's milk and other milks are different from goat milk a bit.SEVAI Provides a warm and dry shelter/environment. The place is in a warm area away, preventing the sun heat, rain, and wind cold. The shelter put up by SEVAI has a good roof. Keeping baby goat in a wet, cold place will make it get sick. It's very important to trim the baby's hooves. Trimming your baby is very easy, just be very careful not to hurt it. We need to make the goat kids friendly. To do this, first we should know where to touch them. It might take from 1 to 2 months to make your baby goat love you, because the baby is an animal and we are human and be patient with the baby goat. -Govin
Goat rearing in Sirugamani,SEVAI.

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